This one looks better...the first movie was forgettable imo. And Scarlett Johansson is still ahott piece of azz
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Very mild spoilers.
This movie was fucking great. It had balls and upended a lot of the established status quo while managing to dig deep into todays headlines about what this country is becoming. They wrapped it all together so well, the writers did a seriously incredible job. First impression is that this is one of my top picks out the of Universe movies, and the original CA was my least favorite. I'm really happy they didn't screw this up. Several twists, a few oddball character appearances from the past, and even one clever barely noticeable shout out to another epic movie outside the Marvel Universe on a tombstone that only lasts 2 seconds. If you get that reference, you're on my cool list. I'm very pleased that it seems like these movies are getting better and better, which goes completely against what usually happens with "sequels." They take risks, and it pays off big time, making compelling stories that manage to make super heros some of the most 3D people on screen instead of a bunch of caricatures. Go see this movie.