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  • Thor

    Last edited by Rafa; 12-10-2010, 09:53 PM.

  • #2
    Looks interesting, never been a big Thor fan.
    Originally posted by talisman
    I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
    Originally posted by AdamLX
    If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny
    Because fuck you, that's why
    Originally posted by 80coupe
    nice dick, Idrivea4banger
    Originally posted by Rick Modena
    ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
    Originally posted by Jester
    Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


    • #3
      That's gonna be a big hit or miss. Regardless, I would love to put it in Natalie Portmans pooper.
      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


      • #4
        thank god for 2d in select theaters.


        • #5
          I'm gonna go with big miss. I still wanna check it out though, I'll probably wait for a download.


          • #6
            Originally posted by poopnut2 View Post
            That's gonna be a big hit or miss. Regardless, I would love to put it in Natalie Portmans pooper.
            Agreed!! Who is the chick at 1:03? She was pretty hot. Are they going to tie the Iron Man and Captain America movies, and the rest of the Avengers characters in all together eventually? Wasn't that government man the same as in the Iron Man movies?

            Wonder what twist they are using for Odin to have cast Thor out? Loki was the one who was cast out in the comics........
            Originally posted by mutherjuggz
            That whole "making love" shit is for the birds. I won't get all graphic on my preferences, but if you can't knock the bottom out with a vengeance.... leave me alone


            • #7
              I agree on the hit or Miss. Was that Rene Russo and Anthony Hopkins I saw as well?
              And Shepherds we shall be

              For thee, my Lord, for thee.

              Power hath descended forth from Thy hand

              Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.

              So we shall flow a river forth to Thee

              And teeming with souls shall it ever be.

              In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti


              • #8
                I will check it out doubt it will be completey bad ass but want to see it all tied together
                99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
                going from really slow to just alittle slow

                2013 Focus ST the daily cruising the 4 banger


                • #9
                  Originally posted by T-TOPPS5.0 View Post
                  Agreed!! Who is the chick at 1:03? She was pretty hot. Are they going to tie the Iron Man and Captain America movies, and the rest of the Avengers characters in all together eventually? Wasn't that government man the same as in the Iron Man movies?

                  Wonder what twist they are using for Odin to have cast Thor out? Loki was the one who was cast out in the comics........
                  They are tying all of the Marvel movies together - there are several more in the works. I think there is a list on the marvel site.

                  I would guess that Thor being cast out is some type of trickery/false accusation by Loki to get him out of the way, so he(Loki) can gain power.


                  • #10
                    Going to be seeing this next Tuesday... Man I'm fucking stoked. Ill be sure to post up with my one to two sentence shitty review!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by aCid View Post
                      Going to be seeing this next Tuesday... Man I'm fucking stoked. Ill be sure to post up with my one to two sentence shitty review!

                      you better post up more than 2 sentences....I'm over here jumping hoops and shit...hahaha


                      • #12
                        I can't wait. He has always been one of my favorite comic guys growing up.
                        Originally posted by mutherjuggz
                        That whole "making love" shit is for the birds. I won't get all graphic on my preferences, but if you can't knock the bottom out with a vengeance.... leave me alone


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 71chevellejohn View Post
                          They are tying all of the Marvel movies together - there are several more in the works. I think there is a list on the marvel site.

                          I would guess that Thor being cast out is some type of trickery/false accusation by Loki to get him out of the way, so he(Loki) can gain power.
                          They are tying all the pre-avengers story lines together so they can make an avengers movie. The x-men movies won't be tied in.
                          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Yale View Post
                            They are tying all the pre-avengers story lines together so they can make an avengers movie. The x-men movies won't be tied in.
                            I believe this and Captain America are the last two to tie in. I wonder if spider-man is going to be in the Avenger movie.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                              I believe this and Captain America are the last two to tie in. I wonder if spider-man is going to be in the Avenger movie.
                              Wrong to the first part because of a yes to the second part. They're making a "reboot," Spiderman movie for the Avengers.
                              ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh

