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Avengers Trailer

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  • idrivea4banger
    two more weeks!!!!

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  • UserX
    Is it May 4th yet?

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  • Got5onIt
    One more month!!!!
    Can't wait!

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  • jefehbk
    Scarlett Johansson...I would seriously Fuck her in the ass.

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  • idrivea4banger
    Them titties were bouncing all over the place.

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  • talisman
    Guest replied
    Nice! God lord that woman is gorgeous.

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  • PandaBear

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  • idrivea4banger

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  • PandaBear

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  • Junkie
    Man this is gonna be awesome

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  • idrivea4banger
    Thor 2:

    In January 2012, Tom Hiddleston stated that filming is expected begin in London in the summer of 2012. Also in January, it was reported that Marvel Studios hired Saving Private Ryan scribe Robert Rodat to rewrite Thor 2.The following day, Jaimie Alexander who portrayed Sif stated, "I've had few discussions about Thor 2. I'm definitely going to be a part of it so that will be fun. And we just got Alan Taylor from Game of Thrones to direct so we're really excited. I'm excited to see what he brings".

    Ironman 3:

    Disney, Marvel, and Paramount announced a May 3, 2013 release date for Iron Man 3. Shane Black is scheduled to direct Iron Man 3, from a screenplay by Drew Pearce.

    Captain America 2:

    Screenwriters Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus said in April 2011 that they have been writing a sequel for Marvel Studios. In a June 2011 interview, they said, "The story will likely be in the present day. We're experimenting with flashback elements for more period World War II stuff. I can't say much more than that but we made it baggy enough to refer to more stories in the past". In September 2011, Chris Evans said that a sequel may not be released until 2014. In January 2012, Neal McDonough mentioned that a sequel to would likely be filmed after the completion of Thor 2, which would likely be before the end of 2012.

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  • talisman
    Guest replied
    Looks like we can expect Thor 2 and Ironman 3 in 2013, and Captain America 2 in 2014, according to IMDB. Still interested to see if Natalie Portman makes an appearance in this, though she isn't credited. She said she was out, but the actor who played Thor said she was in.

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  • jdgregory84
    Originally posted by Got5onIt View Post
    Well, at least DC can stake claim to the best superhero movie out right now with The Dark Knight.
    We'll see if The Avengers can live up to the hype. I cant wait!!
    I think that has something to do with how human batman is. The fact that he's not superhuman leaves the possibility that he can be beat. Sure superheroes have like one weakness...but batman has many.

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  • idrivea4banger
    I don't think DC will ever be able to put out a JLA movie anytime soon. Their only two strongest characters are Superman and Batman. A Wonderwoman film wouldn't do too well. Green Lantern, well you saw how that went. Flash could have a shot. Martian Manhunter could do well if done properly. I think Green Arrow would have a better shot as a film then the last three I mentioned. I'm sure they could find ways to introduce the characters without having to make a movie for each.

    Marvel has done an excellent job with this. If I remember correctly Christopher Nolan had said that with him on The Man of Steel project if all went well he would be on board to help bring the JLA to the big screen. He did say he would not use his version of Batman, as it being there aren't any superpowered heroes in the dark knight series.

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  • jefehbk
    Originally posted by Got5onIt View Post
    Well, at least DC can stake claim to the best superhero movie out right now with The Dark Knight.
    We'll see if The Avengers can live up to the hype. I cant wait!!
    i will agree with your Dark Knight comment, july 20th can not come fast enough. I kinda wish Nolan would oversee some kind of DC Comic movies building toward a JLA type movie or bringing more of the DC comic characters to screen. I was disappointed with Green Lantern movie more than I liked the movie. Superman has not been done since early 80s(we will forget the 2006 cluster fuck), hopefully Man of Steel will come thru. I would like to see a Flash movie as well.

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