Wing Commander, Anything by M. Night Suckadong(except 6th sense)
I actually liked Sixth Sense and Signs. The rest were crap. Oh yeah..and anything by Steven Segal. His movies are full of bad acting and general all around fail. He should take lessons from a REAL martial artist/actor like Jean Claude Van Damage. Street Fighter was the tits!
You have never seen Titanic or the Twilight movies yet you are going with them as the worst movies made? Yeah that makes sense. I can think of movies that suck more than those do. How about Cloverfield or The Blair Witch Project or The Forbidden Kingdom or ANY of the Anaconda movies or Gigli or Freddy Got Fingered. And that is if we are talking about movies that made it to the box office. There are so many horrible B movies out there that are just horrible.
All of those suck, but I'm actually angry at Titanic and the Twilight movies. Never seen 'em, and I never will.
All of those suck, but I'm actually angry at Titanic and the Twilight movies. Never seen 'em, and I never will.
At the risk of sounding like a homo, Titanic was actually a decent flick IMO. The Twilight movies do suck, and I say that from experience, not ignorance.
"Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson
I bought my wife Mama Mia but told her if I ever saw it playing on the TV it would die a horrible death. She has been very stealthy with it. I loved both Saints movies they were greatness. Leaving Las Vegas was a terrible movie even though the chick was kinda hot. Oh and I thought Rango was terrible.