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Game of Thrones

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  • Originally posted by zachary View Post
    THis is first time i am majorly disappointing in this show. The Jamie thing, i mean we could all assume he wasn't dead, but for him to pop up across the lake with no other soldiers around and her not seeing him do so and then just ride away...that was greatly upsetting to me. This show never pulls walking dead shit like that...till now.

    I was thinking he would be captured then whole tyrion thing would be back in play....armistice is interesting plot point...
    You didn't know Bron could swim for a mile under water in armor pulling a one armed dude covered in gold? Bron is like Chuck Norris.....


    • D&D have decided that the formula George created for creating a rich , believable world was too slow for them, so now everyone fast-travels and has plot device catches.

      The plot is now moving at a breakneck pace, believability be damned , and the show is worse for it.


      • Originally posted by 32vfromhell View Post
        D&D have decided that the formula George created for creating a rich , believable world was too slow for them, so now everyone fast-travels and has plot device catches.

        The plot is now moving at a breakneck pace, believability be damned , and the show is worse for it.


        • Originally posted by 32vfromhell View Post
          D&D have decided that the formula George created for creating a rich , believable world was too slow for them, so now everyone fast-travels and has plot device catches.

          The plot is now moving at a breakneck pace, believability be damned , and the show is worse for it.
          Agree completely. They have about 14 episodes to wrap this whole thing up and it probably should have gone on for three more seasons. It is a production cost thing I bet. The scripts are terrible, the dialogue is terrible, the first two episodes of this season were awful.
          Originally posted by racrguy
          What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
          Originally posted by racrguy
          Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


          • You guys have a good point about the decline in quality. I find the acting is getting worse. Daenarys is worse with age and power and doesn't show the terts enough. Bron is still Chuck Norris though. He's always been my fav.


            • Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
              You guys have a good point about the decline in quality. I find the acting is getting worse. Daenarys is worse with age and power and doesn't show the terts enough. Bron is still Chuck Norris though. He's always been my fav.
              I'm pretty sure they all have no-nudity clauses. Anything youve seen of them recently was CGI.


              • Do you guys know that Bron was a British pop singer in his former life? Chuck Norris indeed...

                Originally posted by racrguy
                What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                Originally posted by racrguy
                Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                • Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                  You guys have a good point about the decline in quality. I find the acting is getting worse. Daenarys is worse with age and power and doesn't show the terts enough. Bron is still Chuck Norris though. He's always been my fav.
                  This is a symptom of poor writing and poor scripting. See Star Wars prequels for the ultimate example.
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                  • Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                    This is a symptom of poor writing and poor scripting. See Star Wars prequels for the ultimate example.
                    Truth. It's sad they didn't just stick to the recipe. It was good when they followed Martins script. I read the books. Wife didn't. She nearly called it quits when they put Neds head on a stick.....

                    Now I'm think of Ned. Who's (Z)Ned? (Z)Ned's dead.... as I ride off into the sunset Bruce Willis style.


                    • I see the points you guys are making, but I personally have enjoyed the faster pace and it's worth putting up with a bit of fast traveling to do it. There are parts of the first 4-ish seasons that are just ponderous. I'm glad we're actually getting into things and the speed at which they're moving is exciting. Maybe that makes me a non-book-reading troglodyte, but I think the quality is just as good as it's been, just different.


                      • The fast pace doesn't even make sense , Blake.

                        Can you explain to me what Sam actually accomplished by going to the Citiadel? They wasted like 8 episodes of him there just to grab a few books and quit.

                        Euron greyjoy can go from one side of the continent to the other in a single episode, and yet an army of the dead, which doesnt sleep or rest btw, can't even do a forced march over to Eastwatch in like 3-4 seasons?

                        George RR Martin's whole idea is everything flows naturally and has a consequence. Robb Stark "had" to die based on his choices at the Red Wedding. Ever since the show detached from what was written, it really has become unmoored. Characters are now doing things that just doing really go anywhere.

                        Sure that was a problem in the books too, but I dont know if i like seeing it on the screen.


                        • I've noticed the differences so far this season and the writing does seem to struggle at times.

                          On the flip side we got so see a dragon take out a convoy from the air like a medieval A-10 on a strafing run.

                          So I take the good with the bad... lol


                          • I just watched episode 6. I liked it. But will avoid giving away a couple good spoilers.

                            Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
                            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                            • Originally posted by KBScobravert View Post
                              I just watched episode 6. I liked it. But will avoid giving away a couple good spoilers.

                              Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
                              Tell me who dies, send it to me in a pm.


                              • Episode 6 was good.

