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If you were going to pay for antivirus

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  • If you were going to pay for antivirus

    Got bit again...Im running Microsoft Security Essentials but it has no live monitoring. Malwarebytes was able to remove the virus. It was the AntiVira AV virus. Dunno where I picked it up (either a MP3 off of newsgroup or torrent porn)

    Anyways, thinking of actually paying for a subscription to something...wht is the best?

  • #2


    • #3


      • #4
        lol... after some reading it seems Webroot is the best so far and Panda is the best free.


        • #5
          MSE does have a real-time agent. If you're willing to beta a very effective product and get a 1yr subscription to their suite, go to and register. Next, post in the thread called "Looking for beta testers"
          You'll get a pm with a key and link to Dl Pc Matic. I've been using it over a year now.

          My other choice is NIS 2011. You can get a 90 day trial of it here.


          • #6
            If you'd like to see what PC Matic is all about, run the scan and see.


            • #7
              I have Webroot on my main pc and I have had zero problems so far. I have used panda in the past and that was very decent as well. I have had zero luck with AVG.


              • #8
                thanks for the suggestions guys. I have been reading and reading. Looks like Eset NOD32 is a winner. Newegg has a 3 user liscense for $40


                • #9
                  Here's the two independent testing sites.

                  Unabh?ngige Vergleichstests von Antiviren-Software f?r Windows und Testberichte von Anti-Malware-Apps f?r Android vom Marktf?hrer.


                  • #10
                    Ive got kaspersky. But idk how to work it.
                    GOPR0198 by larrychance88


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BttleFedC10 View Post
                      Ive got kaspersky. But idk how to work it.
                      I tried it back in late 09 for the 2010 version and I got lost in the deep, multi level menus. It also made my interweb connection feel slow as heck. I'm sure they've addressed both those issues by now though.


                      • #12
                        I dunno wtf some of you people are doing, must be way more perverted then I am.

                        1. The stock MSE monitoring works fine and catches the little stuff.
                        2. I do spot check with Malwarebytes and some other different apps for various things to confirm it - since people are always saying how much MSE sucks.

                        I don't want to know what you're doing but one thing is - if you're about to open any suspect file - you should scan it. Even if it is still a .zip/.rar/.tar...whatever, scan it. Scan your downloads, i.e. even the torrent file itself...and so on.
                        Originally posted by MR EDD
                        U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                        • #13
                          You can also scan files @


                          • #14
                            i've used avg free for years, and it seems to work pretty well. none of them are perfect, though...

