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Upgrading some comp parts

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  • Upgrading some comp parts

    I am trying to do a quick upgrade My current set up is 12 gigs ram a new SSD, GTX 550 ti video card, h100 gtx water cooling system, but still rolling with this as my mobo and proc



    Could i upgrade the mobo first and still be good with my current processor? I am on a tight budget right now but would like to see better performance.

    Was thinking about getting
    [ame=" e_1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER"] e_1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER[/ame]

  • #2
    Man, as much as I'm pro amd, that socket is eol and there's no plan to bring it forward beyond what's currently available for it. Your current cpu+mobo will have better ram throughput vs the 970 socket and with adequate cooling, you could OC and get in the ballpark of the same perf of the fx8xxx processor.

    If you're wanting an upgrade you're gonna feel, you'll have to come off some money for that Intel premium


    • #3
      damn...well what would you suggest for playing like World of warcraft at max settings or cs:go for intel? i know i also need to upgrade my video card but working on the mobo/proc first.


      • #4
        If that's as much as you'll be doin, an i5 that's in your budget will be great. If you want, post your budget and I/we can help you get the most for your money. There are lots of knowledgeable folks here who I bet would be willing to offer their opinions on a build.


        • #5
          well probably mobo/proc i can swing 300-350$. But going intel would i need to change my ram and vid card?


          • #6
            Here's a cpu+mobo combo at Microcenter,0434177

            That leaves you room for some ram too.


            • #7
              Well after discussing with the wife about my upgrading to play legion that's coming out I was only able to get her to budge on 300$. Couldn't push her more, so intel went out the door with that.

              I ended up going with
              FX-8350 FX-Series 8-Core Black Edition [ame] _detailpage_o00_s00[/ame]
              Gigabyte AM3+ GA-990FX-Gaming [ame] _detailpages00[/ame]

              When I get them, can I replace my mobo and cpu without reinstalling windows or should I just do a backup and do a fresh install?


              • #8
                Don't do it, the i5 and mobo I linked above is less than $300 out the door and will net you better performance hands down.


                • #9
                  Hell, if Microcenter isn't near you, I'll pick it up and mail it for you.


                  • #10
                    TX Redneck, shoot man, I purchased it a couple of days ago and it went through. I live in Austin and I had a gift card on Amazon for 125$ that really helped to giving me the 300$ balance to even begin with. She really hates the idea of anything helping me play WoW.


                    • #11
                      Ughhh, I just know now about the bandwidth constraints of that socket/chipset etc and it's not conducive to good fps for gaming. It's a BEAST for compiling code and encoding media, just not good for gaming.


                      • #12
                        I mean I could return it to amazon if its not good for gaming, I definitely don't want to waste money with the little im already working with.


                        • #13
                          Return it, the gains will be minimal at best.


                          • #14
                            Alright, but I have to use amazon when getting something and im finding possibly this combo to work
                            [ame] ms&preST=_AC_UL320_SR246%2C320_&refRID=1M989X1YEK1 N9A3MW1Q1[/ame]


                            • #15
                              That's cool, just get something that you can use your ram with so you save money. An to answer your question, you will have to do a fresh install.

