Me and the wife play daily. Alliance Blackhand here. Wife plays a pally and I play a lock. We have other characters but we have been working on our mains since Cata came out to start raiding. Heroic PUGs suck a lot for sure. I read today that in 4.06 they are increasing the luck of the draw buff to 5% for each random player in the group for a max of that might help it out a bit.
i got two toons on stormreaver with about 40k gold.
don't want to play anymore either.
80 dk t10 - 251 weaps <lots of extra shit in bank
80 rogue t10 - arena weapons
I just don't see myself buying cataclysm.
That is actually the server I am on.I am still leveling up my character. lvl 69 Warrior tank
I haven't played in a few weeks... All I would do is triple or quad box bot and sit and do other shit. I only like pve but doing it for 5 years is teh suck.