Originally posted by 71chevellejohn
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New Android 4G phones (ATT)
Originally posted by Lason View PostBe aware all it says is H+ so that may be 3G. I dont even know if it will change to show Edge..
Copied from the Nexus S thread:
Well, i couldn't get a hold of a nexus with tmobile to try out, so i nabbed one off craigslist and i'm trying it on edge with at&t.
I already like this phone so much damn better than the atrix. My ONLY two complaints: not dual core, and no sd expansion slot. Other than that, i feel the Nexus S is superior to the Atrix in just about every way. It even scored within 200 on a quadrant test.
Motorola has really dumbed the Atrix down with 2.2, and their bullshit fucking blur software. The blur software makes this 1ghz dual core phone run almost slower than the clean 2.3.2 on the nexus s with a single core 1ghz chop.
Thanks to them encrypting the bootloader, I really don't see myself keeping the Atrix, even if it means having to use Edge on at&t. I really don't want to be stuck on a Moto kernel, and a blur rom.
Here are two links for the cameras, both taken with Vignette under same conditions:
(warning, big pictures)
Nexus S:
Inside shots (flash and no flash) also favored the Nexus S too.sigpic
I may be joining you in returning the Atrix. If I do Ill probably go back to my Nexus One (gingerbread is supposed to be here any day on it) and wait out the iPhone 5 for my wife and decide who has a stronger 4G network and move over then. Verizon is having hell with the thunderbolt right now so I wont switch for it.
Just an update, stuck my SIM card back in my Nexus One, got the gingerbread 2.3.3 update, updated my app's and damn I love this phone again! I really wish the screen was bigger but that has been my only gripe with it.
Oh and as soon as I got everything updated I ran a speedtest and this thing hauls ass. I cant take screenshots yet (no root for 2.3 yet) but it averages 2.75mbs down 1.5mbs up. Soooooo much faster than my fauxG Atrix. I am taking that thing back to the store Wednesday I think.
the link wouldnt work for me but its screen capture right? I downloaded it and it says no root needed but when I open it up it says "this 'sclib' service has to be installed/started using the ABD, or more information on how to install see 'Information Guide'".
I dont have access to my laptop right now to use ABD but Ill check it out and see if I cant get it working later on. Im shocked that Google hasnt put some kind of screen shot program in Android by now.
its cool, I hear the guys on XDA already have gingerbread cracked so Im sure a update for superoneclick will be out soon and let me root this thing. I must say though, I really like the gingerbread update. The keyboard is alot better, the notification bar looks nicer and all around the phone feels faster. Battery life seems to have improved too. I tried playing Dungeon Defenders and it was horrible on the N1 though, the game rocked on the Atrix, I guess the added ram and dual core processor helped alot there. Owell
My wife has a iphone 3gs, and I have a 4g inspire. I hate her phone. It is too small for my likeing and it seems like the inspire is just more durable and is quicker in most aspects.
The iphones user friendliness is nice though. I knew nothing about the Inspire or Android and I have been slowly getting along and learning new things and enjoying it.