my main file server is 4x1tb in raid 5, and 3x3tb drives in raid 5.
backup is a single 4tb enclosure though
so I fail there.
future plans, will probably be something like an array of 4tb drives with ssd caching. and repurpose all my current drives to backups. I do have a minecraft server that has 4 500gb wd vraptors in raid 0 as well.
all my personal pc's have (desktop/laptop/htpc/guest room) have their own usb drives or internal 1tb drive for weekly images though.
I'm wanting to do a media server with Plex but still don't know what I need to get to make it work and economical. Probably going with 3tb to start with.
Yep. I have a Drobo 5N in my storage closet, very happy with it.
Nice. Mines a QNAP. Their software updates have made it even more usable. I'm very happy with it. However most of my storage is allocated for an iSCSI LUN that I use as shared storage on my vSphere lab.
I'm wanting to do a media server with Plex but still don't know what I need to get to make it work and economical. Probably going with 3tb to start with.
A moderately powerful cpu, decent hdd(s), decent internets, content and the Plex Media Server prog. The latter is free.
The cpu deal is for if/when it has to transcode content prior to serving it.
It's pretty simple to explain. It organizes the media you download.
Originally posted by Jester
Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
I have somewhere near 16tb on my NAS. Love the little Synology unit. I also run Plex off of it though it cant steam 1080p over the internet to my laptop at work. Only 720p due to the processor on the NAS.
I just got a Synology DS412+ with 4x4TB and I wish I would have went with the DS1812+. The 412 is already full. I can make someone a deal on a slightly used DS412+ with tons of content....