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Sony PlayStation 4 thread

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  • #31
    Originally posted by momo View Post
    that's the free game for ps+ subscribers? i might try it.

    i do have 1 positive. machine is quiet and runs cool so far and i do love the controller.
    yeah its free to ps+ subs, i've got more time in resogun than I do in killzone.


    • #32
      How are the graphics so far? Do you think there is no comparison to ps3 graphics or are they only slightly better?


      • #33
        Originally posted by inline 6 View Post
        How are the graphics so far? Do you think there is no comparison to ps3 graphics or are they only slightly better?
        killzone isn't possible on ps3, no question about it.

        go look at ac4 and bf4 on ps3 and compare them to ps4. absolutely not possible on ps3. no way.

        the ui, the control, the hardware shits all over ps3.
        we just need the damn titles now.


        • #34
          Originally posted by roliath View Post
          damn i'm in the minority here, my ps4 works great (knocks on wood).
          resogun is so damn fun, I wish the launch titles were better.
          not having the crew and watchdogs at launch really made me a sad panda.
          Mine works great as well. Haven't had any issues.


          • #35
            Originally posted by momo View Post
            welp, i'm done with it. i'm gonna sell my ps4 off. listed it on c-list for $500. will wait to buy once (if) features are returned and uncharted or MGS5 come out.

            until then i may buy a fanatec wheel/pedal setup and upgrade my pc
            I've been lusting for a driving SIM project, but I don't know shit about anything except that the Fanatec stuff looks amazing.


            • #36
              Originally posted by jw33 View Post
              I've been lusting for a driving SIM project, but I don't know shit about anything except that the Fanatec stuff looks amazing.
              Yup. It's just a matter of how much do you feel like spending.
              Someone had a nice looking fanatec setup on craigslist for $550 you might check out.
              ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


              • #37
                Ps4 sold. Did manage to try all the free games. System has potential. good graphics and fast. Will check back in a year.
                ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

