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Apple TV

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  • Apple TV

    I have a Apple TV 2nd Generation Model A1378 that I purchased a couple of years back. My brother had his friend jailbreak it but I never understood how to use it. It's just been basically sitting there collecting dust. Been thinking of selling it but not sure what it is worth. Did a quick search on ebay for this model & they seem to be selling for about $200. Are they more desirable compared to the newer ones?

  • #2
    The 2nd generation apple tv's are easily jailbreakable, the 3rd generation is not ( sans dns tricks ). Sell it because apple is coming out with an app store for the device soon and when that happens no one will really care to jail break it since 3rd party app support is one of the main reasons people jailbroke it in the first place.


    • #3
      Aren't they $99 new?

      If you have other iDevices, the Apple TV is ok. It lets you stream stuff to your TV but it's not near as functional as an iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.
      Last edited by Leah; Yesterday at 10:18 PM.


      • #4
        roku is better and has more free shit to watch


        • #5
          Originally posted by abecx View Post
          The 2nd generation apple tv's are easily jailbreakable, the 3rd generation is not ( sans dns tricks ). Sell it because apple is coming out with an app store for the device soon and when that happens no one will really care to jail break it since 3rd party app support is one of the main reasons people jailbroke it in the first place.
          Do I sell it the way it is with jailbreak or reset it back to factory settings? It was jailbroken well over a year ago & have no idea how to use it.


          • #6
            Wow. I have one that is jailbroken. When people say that an app store will make it not matter that its jailbroke, they don't know what they are talking about.

            PPV UFC fights live for free.
            Movies- name it, free
            Old episodes of anything- FREE

            The list goes on and on. If you are willing to do the research on how to use it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by scootro View Post
              roku is better and has more free shit to watch


              • #8
                Originally posted by TheSlimOne View Post
                Wow. I have one that is jailbroken. When people say that an app store will make it not matter that its jailbroke, they don't know what they are talking about.

                PPV UFC fights live for free.
                Movies- name it, free
                Old episodes of anything- FREE

                The list goes on and on. If you are willing to do the research on how to use it.
                Herp derp, thats what third party apps would bring you, streaming built in. I do all that stuff already on plex and a 3rd gen.

