My Father in law is remodeling his new house and wants wireless internet to both the house (left) and the shop (right). Internet service comes in to the shop and is already set up, wireless is functioning fine.

I assumed we could run some Cat 5, connected at the box to the same line 1 that is currently getting service, underground to the house and hook up a router he purchases. I just read that this may not actually work?
I can think of 2 other options:
Run cat 5 from the back of the router at the shop similar to above, to a router in the house.
Use a range extender. I am not sure how well this will work for reliable wireless in the house.

I assumed we could run some Cat 5, connected at the box to the same line 1 that is currently getting service, underground to the house and hook up a router he purchases. I just read that this may not actually work?
I can think of 2 other options:
Run cat 5 from the back of the router at the shop similar to above, to a router in the house.
Use a range extender. I am not sure how well this will work for reliable wireless in the house.