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SSD bandwagon

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
    If your PC has gobs of RAM, check this out.

    Saved and Texan by the Grace of God, Redneck by choice.
    This is interesting...

    So you use it just like a hard drive? I have 16 gigs and rarely use more then 8.
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

    -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


    • #17
      Originally posted by FATHERFORD View Post
      This is interesting...

      So you use it just like a hard drive? I have 16 gigs and rarely use more then 8.
      Essentially, yes.

      Saved and Texan by the Grace of God, Redneck by choice.


      • #18
        Originally posted by FATHERFORD View Post
        This is interesting...

        So you use it just like a hard drive? I have 16 gigs and rarely use more then 8.
        jesus christ.


        Look at your performance monitor in windows or your memory usage on linux. When you look at memory usage, the section that says CACHE is disk cache, aka data that is stored in memory that was on the disk. There is no need for a ram disk, a hard drive with memory installed, the fucking operating system ALREADY DOES THIS.

        For instance on my colo server: [~]# head /proc/meminfo
        MemTotal: 16075600 kB
        MemFree: 337156 kB
        Buffers: 585996 kB
        Cached: 13696804 kB

        I have 16GB total, and 13.6GB is being used to store data that is on disk into memory. Windows does the same thing.


        • #19
          I am Cruz, hear me RAWR!


          Saved and Texan by the Grace of God, Redneck by choice.


          • #20
            I get so fucking angry sometimes.


            • #21
              SSD's are still far too expensive for this white boy. I was looking at a 1tb SSD to replace the HDD in my computer, 2500. fuck that.


              • #22
                I agree, they are too costly for storage duty, but when used as a OS and applications Drive, they make a tremendous difference.

                From the user login screen to a fully operational desktop is about five seconds.

                Saved and Texan by the Grace of God, Redneck by choice.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                  SSD's are still far too expensive for this white boy. I was looking at a 1tb SSD to replace the HDD in my computer, 2500. fuck that.
                  You're doing it wrong.


                  • #24
                    I have two Samsung 830's. One 128gb and a 256gb and absolutely love them. Fry's just had the 128gb model for $79.99 which is a smokin deal.


                    • #25
                      First decent machine I have had with a SSD is my Air and that fucker is ridiculously quick!

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
                        I finally jumped on w/a 128Gig Vertex 4 for $99.

                        Anyone else have one? What's your experience been like?
                        Night and day difference. I installed a Intel 330 series on my 3 y/o budget HP laptop not too long ago. After running the Intel SSD Toolbox. Cold boot of Win7 is about 25 seconds. Shut down is less than 10 seconds. Photoshop will fully launch in about 4 seconds. Chrome and Outlook are almost instant. I use to have Firefox cache to RAMDisk on old HD, which I thought was pretty quick. This is even better.

                        Here's a quick benchmark.


                        • #27
                          I ran that same bench on mine to see how it stacks up.


                          • #28
                            Looks like that Vertex4 really excels in access time and writing small tables of data. SSDs really are the best bang for the buck for the average consumer.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
                              I ran that same bench on mine to see how it stacks up.

                              Check this out, Bryan. I needed some more capacity over my old Intel and picked up a 250gb Samsung 840EVO. I was expecting some improvement, but nothing like this.


                              • #30
                                Yeah, the Evo's kill for the money.

