It's no larger than a wallet and you carry it around all of the time. I have a note and it fits my pockets just fine. There is no way I would want to go back to a smaller phonne.
I can't wait till they add the phone feature to the iPad!
The size of that Note is fucking stupid!
Why the fuck would anyone carry around something that big?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's not as big as you think. I felt the same way till I got mine. With the case off,I can touch thumb to finger tip. Compared to an iPhone, it IS monstrous, but the iPhone is small by today's smart phone standards.
It's no larger than a wallet and you carry it around all of the time. I have a note and it fits my pockets just fine. There is no way I would want to go back to a smaller phone.
Saved and Texan by the Grace of God, Redneck by choice.
I want to be able to comfortably stick my phone in my pocket and not feel like I have a fucking VHS tape in my pocket. The screen on my 4s was more than fine and the 5 is a tad better.