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  • Originally posted by STROKD View Post
    No need to argue with the minions. This phone is 10x what the last one was. Imo the 4S should have been this phone, but Apple had to pad their stock. I've never had an Iphone, but I ordered a 64gb yesterday morning. I'm pretty excited about it just because of the processor, retina display for video playback of my bd's on itunes, and 4G. If BB had released a real 4G before now though, I'd probably have another blackberry. I've loved both the BB's I've had recently. Oh well I have 4 lines, if they make a sick ass phone Ill prob get one of those too.

    Btw, are you a Creston dealer? I was at the Almo show Thursday and they said Creston has a new system that you can use your ipad to control the entire Theater, lights etc... If this new iphone will do it as well, I want the Creston interface stat.
    Yeah. We're a Crestron dealer. I'd say 90% of the systems that we sell that have control, use Crestron. They have a free version in iTunes and the Pro version of the app is $99. There is other Crestron hardware needed and of course programming. It won't be cheap.

    Basically the app allows you to use an iPhone/iPad in place of a Crestron touch panel.


    • my wife had the 3gs and upgraded to a 4s. she is not impressed at all with the 4s, but she does like it. i am an android guy and won't have anything else but android. i have a S2 skyrocket and love that phone.


      • The 4 is a big improvement over a 3gs.

        I Had a andriod based phone. I did more shit than I ever need it to do. Its basically a computer/gamer/phone nerd phone.

        The iphone is simple and that is apparently what a lot of people want. I like the iphone over an droid phone. But the droids do have a nicer screen.


        • Originally posted by Buzzo View Post
          Only thing keeping me with my iphone and considering the upgrade is the fact Im a unlimited data account. If I switch I will lose that.
          you sure? my friend said he did the preorder and when it had him go through the att steps it asked him to choose text & data and it was his same unlimited+unlimited.

          ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


          • Originally posted by momo View Post
            you sure? my friend said he did the preorder and when it had him go through the att steps it asked him to choose text & data and it was his same unlimited+unlimited.
            I think Verizon is booting people off unlimited plans as they upgrade.


            • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
              I think Verizon is booting people off unlimited plans as they upgrade.
              Yes they are, I upgraded Tuesday and they booted my unlimited and gave so many gb to use or some shit..


              • Originally posted by momo View Post
                you sure? my friend said he did the preorder and when it had him go through the att steps it asked him to choose text & data and it was his same unlimited+unlimited.
                See what happens when he picks it up...

                I have a feeling us that were grandfathered in with the unlimited plan will be booted out of it soon. They are already throttling people in any plan that use it a shit load.


                • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                  I think Verizon is booting people off unlimited plans as they upgrade.
                  Originally posted by wishitwasasvt View Post
                  Yes they are, I upgraded Tuesday and they booted my unlimited and gave so many gb to use or some shit..
                  I've been grandfathered into the unlimited data and I talked to a Verizon rep about that today, as long as I don't change my plan in any way, shape, or form, I'll keep the unlimited data even when I renew.
                  Originally posted by Jester
                  Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
                  He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
                  Originally posted by Denny
                  What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
                  FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


                  • I like how some of those features aren't available yet. If you look on their website Samsung says for later release date. I suppose jelly bean. How do you have a commercial showing something that isn't available yet. I have access to both and I've toyed with the S3 not too impressed.


                    • Originally posted by CWO View Post
                      Yeah. We're a Crestron dealer. I'd say 90% of the systems that we sell that have control, use Crestron. They have a free version in iTunes and the Pro version of the app is $99. There is other Crestron hardware needed and of course programming. It won't be cheap.

                      Basically the app allows you to use an iPhone/iPad in place of a Crestron touch panel.
                      Beautiful. Can you pm me the details? My Krell remotes suck ass.


                      • Originally posted by grove rat View Post
                        i'm just gonna pick up a 4s for cheap and stay contract free

                        oh and you android guys really need to chill the fuck out, they are just phones. fwiw i was playing with a friends s3 and when scrolling form page to page it was lagging. bahahahahahahaha!!!!!! just a tiny bit but enough to notice, i guess my overpricedpieceofshitoldicrap4 is still better when it comes to being lag free ...but wait if you reformat the hard drive and tweak the brand new operating system and add some tricked out cooling fan it will be just as smooth as your iphone4!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111!1111

                        no thanks, i'd rather just have a "simple" phone that works.
                        My IPhone4 lags when texting sometimes, IT gets hung up on one letter form time to time.. It lags on the internet as well. IPhone isnt lag free..
                        GOPR0198 by larrychance88


                        • Originally posted by STROKD View Post
                          Beautiful. Can you pm me the details? My Krell remotes suck ass.
                          I'm out of town at the moment, but I will when I get back. I need a list of what you're controlling.


                          • Originally posted by Superwho View Post
                            republicans or democrats, take your pick...

                            Originally posted by Jester
                            Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
                            He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
                            Originally posted by Denny
                            What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
                            FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


                            • Originally posted by BttleFedC10 View Post
                              My IPhone4 lags when texting sometimes, IT gets hung up on one letter form time to time.. It lags on the internet as well. IPhone isnt lag free..
                              do you ever shut down the apps? i do every few days and i have not had to shut down my phone in months. try manually closing them all and see if it helps


                              • Still rockin' a 3Gs, and probably will be for awhile. Couldn't care less about all the comparisons, or all the wizardly shit, or owning the newest gizmo like all the hipsters. I text, take pictures occasionally, and surf the web. I don't need anything else.

