If you get can charter do that instead dude. If you can't get u-verse then fucking get something else. I switched from AT&T DSL to charter and haven't looked back. Hell I'm paying about the same and getting a FUUUUCK ton more speed, uptime, ect.
Rafa knows where I'm coming from... It got to where I was talking to him at least twice a week on the phone trying to fix some of the random bullshit.
I tried every fucking thing I know of to try to get yours up and going. There was something in that RT that was fucking up, but I couldn't figure out what.
yea man.. I know what you mean. Sucks that I couldn't get it working for you.
Well if those bastards would just ran some OC12's or Fiber or whatever they use for fucking uverse then I would of got uverse. Being less then a mile away is fucking bullshit.