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Custom iPhone SMS tones

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  • Custom iPhone SMS tones

    I see they are available now, but I can't seem to load my own. There's a choice for "tones" in iTunes, not ringtones, but my custom SMS tones won't load (as .m4r or .caf). I know how to do it jailbroken, but I upgraded to 4.2.1 and can't jailbreak without reloading the firmware (which I don't want to do). Am I missing something easy?

  • #2
    Originally posted by SVT Lurch View Post
    I see they are available now, but I can't seem to load my own. There's a choice for "tones" in iTunes, not ringtones, but my custom SMS tones won't load (as .m4r or .caf). I know how to do it jailbroken, but I upgraded to 4.2.1 and can't jailbreak without reloading the firmware (which I don't want to do). Am I missing something easy?
    It's the same way as making ring tones but i've learned that if you make the tones too long they wont play as sms tones. I have some short tones like metal gear codec and it plays. But my Mike Tyson's training theme doesn't work on sms but works on ring tones. Try tones that are like less than 10sec and see how it works.


    • #3
      So they're .m4r files?


      • #4
        Originally posted by SVT Lurch View Post
        So they're .m4r files?
        Yep same files as ring tones. They will show up as ring tones and sms tones.

