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Got a new hard drive for my laptop...what to do with iTunes?

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  • Got a new hard drive for my laptop...what to do with iTunes?

    So, my laptop (Dell XPS m1530) ran out of hard drive space, and I wanted a faster drive (7200 rpm vs 5400 rpm) so I bought a new hard drive to swap it out with. I have a windows 7 cd, and am proficient enough to format the new drive, install windows and all the drivers, but my main question is what do I do with iTunes to get it ready to be wiped and reinstalled. Do I need to do anything special besides hitting the "backup" button in ituned and burn it all to a dvd? Is that going to physically copy ALL of the music/picture/video files from itunes, so when I reinstall it I just do the resotre from disc option?

    Any help is appreciated, TIA.

  • #2
    Why not just image your old drive over to the new one and pick up right where you were but w/ more hdd space?


    • #3
      Redneck has a point, but if you want to do a fresh install, all you should have to do is back up the actual folder where the song files are (Guessing mp3s but iTunes may use something different) onto another drive before format and then re-install iTunes.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
        Why not just image your old drive over to the new one and pick up right where you were but w/ more hdd space?
        I'm going from Vista to 7 (finally) and I don't have an upgrade cd, just a full win7 I stall cd.
        Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
        Redneck has a point, but if you want to do a fresh install, all you should have to do is back up the actual folder where the song files are (Guessing mp3s but iTunes may use something different) onto another drive before format and then re-install iTunes.
        They are MP3 format but I think last time I did that something fucked up with the licensing and I lost a bunch of music.


        • #5
          I had the same problem on my old computer when I upgraded from WinVista to Win7 and also went with a bigger HD. I was worried about losing my ratings for music and all I did was copy the whole iTunes folder over to the new HD and it worked like a charm. I did the whole iTunes folder so it would bring in my apps and iPhone stuff as well.

          My post from the old Canada site.

          About to install a new HD and going to Win7. How can I move all of my stuff off of iTunes onto a another HD without losing any of my music ratings or my apps off of my iPhone?

