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Live stream of 990x and 2x285's on LN2 then DI
Tx Redneck: What's your goal OC wise?
MIAHALLEN: I'd like to set a PB in PIFast and SPI32M, but I only have about 10L of LN2 left....once thats gone, I'll switch to DI and work on 3DMark Vantage with the two 285s
MIAHALLEN: Looking for the 285 record...we'll see
MIAHALLEN: I'll be back in 20 minute
onefstsnake: WR for 2x 285's should be easy
onefstsnake: if your 285's can bench higher than 901 core, which they should easily
Tx Redneck: Something I've always wonderd about these sub-sero benchies is how do you protect the mobo from condensation?
onefstsnake: insulation
bennoculus: it's pretty easy, really
onefstsnake: some use a spray on type which is pretty permanant
onefstsnake: Ive used frost king foam tape
onefstsnake: and dielectric grease
Tx Redneck: Ahh, I see.
MIAHALLEN: I painted the mobo with liquid electrical tape first, other than that, just a double layer of paper towel
bennoculus: good ol liquid electrical tape
onefstsnake: gloves on
onefstsnake: yup
bennoculus: miah how do you pull it off?
onefstsnake: pull what off?
onefstsnake: oh the LET
bennoculus: his LET, I'm curious to hit method of pulling the liquid electrical tape off
onefstsnake: liquid tape
Tx Redneck: It's gotta be the flip flops! WHat happens when some LN2 or DI get's away from ya?
bennoculus: yeah it is
bennoculus: sweeet
Tx Redneck: I figured it'd be an instantanious burn. Shows what I know...
bennoculus: nice pot miah
onefstsnake: the Leidenfrost Effect
Tx Redneck: Makes sense. Thank ya sir.
Tx Redneck: So what mobo and ram are ya usin for this?
tony: 285's?
Tx Redneck: Negative, I got it from your FB post.
bennoculus: oh sweet
Tx Redneck: FWIW, I know about you from TRP.
bennoculus: who?
Tx Redneck: IS there a reason for goin w/ 285 vs a newer gpu?
Tx Redneck: Sry, MIA.
bennoculus: HWBot july challege
tony: Oh nice
onefstsnake: the July comp is for 6 series to 2xx series gpu's in SLI
onefstsnake: and were loosing pretty badly ATM
Tx Redneck: WHo is?
bennoculus: OCF
Tx Redneck: Ahh
Tx Redneck: What's the TIM of choice MIA?
onefstsnake: Madshrimps just posted a bunch of scores and were 20 points behind now
bennoculus: oh damn
onefstsnake: he is using the new EVGA Frostbite TIM
Tx Redneck: OK, I missed that part. My 4yr old is askin all kinds of questions.
onefstsnake: nope
onefstsnake: 28380
tony: What are you aiming for on the GPU score? 60k?
onefstsnake: 2x gtx280's on air lol
bennoculus: miah, you using a slimmy pot on dice?
onefstsnake: for the first card
bennoculus: can a slim even hold the load with dice?
Janus67: worth finding out!
bennoculus: i hear you can't fit enough dice in there
bennoculus: that's true
onefstsnake: havent used that pot in a while huh
Tx Redneck: Is all the hardware new or been benched before?
tony: no vmods on gpu?
onefstsnake: vmods via EVBot
Tx Redneck: Cool
tony: whats the highest you guys pushed the proc?
onefstsnake: should do 1100 core or so
bennoculus: yep
tony: suicide run
bennoculus: 1000 is definitley possible
onefstsnake: i did just shy of 900 on water
tony: for 1100 core, thats quite high..
Janus67: benny saw a 580 OB last nght, but jt was a galaxy for $360, boourns
tony: onefst, how much vcore?
bennoculus: damn, really?
onefstsnake: @ 900?
tony: yeah @ 900
onefstsnake: 1.28ish
tony: not bad
Janus67: yeah wasn't bout to spend that much on a 580
bennoculus: yeah that's a little much for OB
bennoculus: I want 250
bennoculus: newegg, janus?
Janus67: yeah it was
bennoculus: little high, I definitely agree there
bennoculus: compared to what they were, that is
Janus67: lol ya
bennoculus: I'll keep a watch out, as usual
dejo: sup guys. looks like the good doctor is at work
bennoculus: hey dejo
onefstsnake: that was at 802 core
Janus67: I have it in another window. for some reason I've crashed during BFBC2 twice tonight, I played it for t
Janus67: two hours this morning no problem, sigh. running vantage to see if it crashes during that
bennoculus: what's your chips OC?
bennoculus: or is there an OC going/?
Janus67: the last one was at stock
bennoculus: oh damn
Janus67: first one at a measely 4.3
onefstsnake: drivers?
Janus67: maybe, they are the new nvidia betas butthey played for two hours no problem this morning not even a hiccup
onefstsnake: try 266xx
onefstsnake: thats what ive been using for the longest time
onefstsnake: bfbc2 etc
Janus67: i'll give it a shot
dejo: cant stay long tonight, have company in. good luck Miah
Janus67: have fun dejo!
dejo: I have been reading but not posting much and not much help for the team lately
dejo: but good to see all you as well.
bennoculus: jonnie, you're old pot is doing awesome too
tony: hx1000?
bennoculus: appears to be, yes
Janus67: it's the ultra 1000w + an ax1200
tony: thanks Janus
onefstsnake: sounds like ln2
tony: sounds like fajitas!
onefstsnake: haha
onefstsnake: now im hungry
tony: me too (@ work)
MIAHALLEN: time to get chilly
jiccman1965: hello all
Janus67: hey jiccman
jiccman1965: whats up
Janus67: what's the CB on that chip miah?
bennoculus: ah old school bios's
Janus67: not too bad tho
Janus67: i'm tired of seeing these Jaton brand open box cards
bennoculus: me too
mdcomp: hi everyone
mdcomp: i see some friends here
Janus67: hey matt
mdcomp: how ya doin bud?
Tx Redneck: That blows me away how quick it gets to the desktop.
Janus67: modded xp
Tx Redneck: I think that's an understatement.
bennoculus: love your reviews miah. I follow TR pretty often
bennoculus: DAMN
bennoculus: that's expensive
bennoculus: yeah I did see that. pretty crazy
bennoculus: :SHOCK:
bennoculus: that really sucks, though
Bobnova: ohai!
bennoculus: sup Ed
jiccman1965: yo
bennoculus: yep
Bobnova: how bout benben?
jiccman1965: not much
bennoculus: that's my name
jiccman1965: watching the master at work..