Back to the original topic anyway, I'm guess this game will be in the 9.99 section on steam by November - I'll buy it then. Had it come out 4+ years ago - that would be different.
Guessing it'll be the same-same for everything - to include the story. A well played story can make a mediocre game like this a lot better (i.e. Thief 1 and Thief 2), without that though....
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
Although I have every console... I still prefer to play games on my PC...
Some games are just beautiful on the PC compared to 360 and ps3..
When/if new consoles come out, I might jump back on consoles again, but I always go back to my love for the PC.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Do you mind elaborating? Just old school basic, with boring features that have been existing for 15 years and no story? Or worst then that?
Duke feels like he's 500 lbs, the game is very repetitive imo, the guns are absolutely horrrrrible (EXCEPT THE SHOTGUN). Everything seems forced, this story is meh. The game had no execution, its not worth 50 bucks; hell its not worth 5 bucks on sale.
I LOVED the first Duke3d, I really WANTED this new duke to be bad ass but it fell short of every one of my expectations. After about 2 hours, I uninstalled it.
Again this is my opinion, if someone here bought and enjoyed it I would be shocked to be honest.
edit: the duke franchise should have died 12 years ago. its forever been tarnished by this atrocity. I can't believe the dev's actually pushed this out after many re-writes. I would hate to see what the game was like before the re-writes but in my opinion they should have just given up loooong time ago.
edit: the duke franchise should have died 12 years ago. its forever been tarnished by this atrocity. I can't believe the dev's actually pushed this out after many re-writes. I would hate to see what the game was like before the re-writes but in my opinion they should have just given up loooong time ago.
After I posted my question I googled it too and you nutshell'ed everything out there - with the addition of the crappy guns.
There is something about their PR company going bonkers too, cause nearly everyone is giving it sub par reviews or downright crap reviews.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
I disagree, I think this game was rushed out, based upon the unreal clusterfuck 3D Realms did with managing it. I'm happy it came out, it's a decent game and fun to kill some time. Unfortunately Gearbox just polished the turd that 3d Realms had been working on for so long.
Duke3D was never that great of a game, but it was the first real 10 on 10 multiplayer over dial up. That's what made it so great. I was a huge fan, and even moderated on TEN, Total Entertainment Network, in the Duke Channels back in the day.
Hopefully the new group can work on a new relaunch of Duke with a new engine, and better dev work.
I agree this game is almost too little too late in the franchise, but it at least gives them some ground to build on with the franchise. I really hope someone takes the time and money to reboot Duke. With the right people involved, it could be
I disagree, I think this game was rushed out, based upon the unreal clusterfuck 3D Realms did with managing it. I'm happy it came out, it's a decent game and fun to kill some time. Unfortunately Gearbox just polished the turd that 3d Realms had been working on for so long.
Duke3D was never that great of a game, but it was the first real 10 on 10 multiplayer over dial up. That's what made it so great. I was a huge fan, and even moderated on TEN, Total Entertainment Network, in the Duke Channels back in the day.
Hopefully the new group can work on a new relaunch of Duke with a new engine, and better dev work.
I agree this game is almost too little too late in the franchise, but it at least gives them some ground to build on with the franchise. I really hope someone takes the time and money to reboot Duke. With the right people involved, it could be
You can't give (3drealms) them the time argument, they've had more than enough time to do forever and its sequel. What they handed over (to gearbox) is unacceptable for the amount of time they had to work on this "game"
You bring up MP which I didn't bother to touch on because they ruined MP, it feels like a quake 3 mod and not in a good way.
You can't give (3drealms) them the time argument, they've had more than enough time to do forever and its sequel. What they handed over (to gearbox) is unacceptable for the amount of time they had to work on this "game"
You bring up MP which I didn't bother to touch on because they ruined MP, it feels like a quake 3 mod and not in a good way.
I wasn't giving 3D Reamls any credit at all, other than this was their game that they had spent so much time on, revamping and basically missing the point of what the fans wanted. Had this game come out in 1999-2004, people would have been happy. Unfortunately the engine it's built on and the graphics, etc were all early 2000's based.
I was saying Gearbox rushed out this game, based upon the fuckups 3d Realms had already put the game thru.
Multiplayer was a very late thought in the game, when Gearbox got the game and the stage it was in, it had no multiplayer. They threw together multiplayer and polished what was left of the game just to get it released.
In fact I think Gearbox's official statement was, "The game that is happening is 3D Realms’ game. I didn’t buy it from them, they sold it to me."
That came from Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox.
Basically Gearbox bought the game, 3D Realms retained some ownership of the namesake, and Gearbox finished the Dev work 3D Realms had so horribly managed.
My hope is Gearbox gets another chance to build a new game with the Duke name.