This routine will not be perfect for all, but it has worked well for me.
I always incorporate some calf work into this routine and usually whatever else I feel like doing that day into it.
Usually though, I am pretty drained from this workout routine alone.
There is supposed to only be 45 secs rest between sets, but last time I did it, we had to take more like 2 mins.
Next time you do legs, give this routine a try...You WILL be fatigued if you follow this routine!
This is one of Branch Warren's leg workouts:
2-3 warm-up sets
2 heavy sets of 5-8 reps or until failure
Leg Presses:
3 sets of 20 reps
The 3rd set is a drop set of 20 x 20 x 20 reps(last set is a killer!)
Walking Lunges:
3 sets of walking weighted lunges for 100 yards(Oh yea...I said 100 yards alright!)
Leg Extensions Superseted With Sissy Squats:
3 sets of 30 reps of Leg Extensions + 3 sets of 10 reps of Sissy Squats
Lying Leg Curls:
1-2 warm-up sets
3 working sets of 12-15 reps
Seated Leg Curls:
3 sets of 12-15 reps
The 3rd set is a drop set of 15 x 15 x 15 reps(by this time your hams should be locking up)
I always incorporate some calf work into this routine and usually whatever else I feel like doing that day into it.
Usually though, I am pretty drained from this workout routine alone.
There is supposed to only be 45 secs rest between sets, but last time I did it, we had to take more like 2 mins.
Next time you do legs, give this routine a try...You WILL be fatigued if you follow this routine!
This is one of Branch Warren's leg workouts:
2-3 warm-up sets
2 heavy sets of 5-8 reps or until failure
Leg Presses:
3 sets of 20 reps
The 3rd set is a drop set of 20 x 20 x 20 reps(last set is a killer!)
Walking Lunges:
3 sets of walking weighted lunges for 100 yards(Oh yea...I said 100 yards alright!)
Leg Extensions Superseted With Sissy Squats:
3 sets of 30 reps of Leg Extensions + 3 sets of 10 reps of Sissy Squats
Lying Leg Curls:
1-2 warm-up sets
3 working sets of 12-15 reps
Seated Leg Curls:
3 sets of 12-15 reps
The 3rd set is a drop set of 15 x 15 x 15 reps(by this time your hams should be locking up)