Originally posted by DON SVO
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Keto diet
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostReducing alcohol consumption is huge...especially as you get older
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostThen the guy contradicts himself and is factually wrong about muscle loss during extended fasting. He will say whatever it takes to make a buck on some beta male that needs to be yelled at.
Again..if your only goal is to see a lower number on the scale...this guy may get you there. But if you want to have a sustainable level of fitness and athleticism....this guy is a joke
Now to expand on that, its a myth in the sense that you, and probably most people who propagate the myth think that it is. Yes, you will lose a negligible amount of muscle. He estimated that it was somewhere in the area of 4 ounces after the tests. So if you're really that concerned about something that small, then yeah this probably isn't for you. But if you're like the rest of us, and know that you can gain that 4 ounces back in no time, then you won't be concerned.
So hmm... lose lets say (liberally) you lose 1 pound of muscle, and as much fat as you need to lose, depending on the person. And then, when you're done losing the fat, you just pick up a fucking weight and gain that pound of muscle back, along with plenty more. Win/win. Even if you were right, you'd still be wrong lol. If some 300lb fatass that was gonna die in a few years, fasts down 190 or 200lbs, and lost a bunch of muscle but saved his own life, then fuck the muscle. Again, pick up a weight. Stop being a pussy.
Its not outer space bruh. Your strange fears of wasting are unfounded.Last edited by Gasser64; 10-23-2018, 11:28 PM.WH
Ah you must be right. You know what...why dont you go ahead and post progress pics. Show me how much your superior knowledge has gotten you. You've gotta be in amazing shape because of how smart you are and how dumb I am right? Or is your diet only for obese people?
You guys are like religious zealots that refute everything with the bible...when the bible is the content in question.
Hour 56 of fasting. Have lost 6lbs of pure muscle I'm sure. Have still been going to the gym, but regimen has been extremely light weight. Just going through the motions and maintaining the habit of going. Instead of running, am walking and keeping heart rate around 130.
Originally posted by DON SVO View PostI figure you have decent dyslexia and probably register on the autism spectrum.
Originally posted by SS Junk View PostHour 56 of fasting. Have lost 6lbs of pure muscle I'm sure. Have still been going to the gym, but regimen has been extremely light weight. Just going through the motions and maintaining the habit of going. Instead of running, am walking and keeping heart rate around 130.
With a massive sprinkle of inferiority complex thrown into the mix.
Lol at 130 HR while walking.
Originally posted by SS Junk View PostRight on. The rest will be muscle, right?
You first.
Yep. At 1.5mph, too. Exactly who are you again?
Let's say by 72 hours you're down 7lbs...and only 15% of that is muscle. You just pissed away 1 lb of muscle in 3 days because you were set on replicating the diet of a runway model instead of eating properly.
The next fad you jump on is certain to be a new form if bulimia...but maybe you can call it the owl diet so it feels new and healthy?
You don't need progress pics when you stay consistently in shape...and I'm not trying to pass self starvation off as a good diet plan.
I'm somebody who stays in shape and doesnt come close to 130 bpm while walking. I'm someone who actually has a good enough diet to not worry about cracking 130 bpm in the first place. I'm not a fad dieter for sure.
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostNo the rest will be water, waste and muscle...most likely in that order.
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostYou don't need progress pics when you stay consistently in shape...and I'm not trying to pass self starvation off as a good diet plan.
Originally posted by The King View PostThe test of valid before/after pics in my opinion would be a before pic followed by an after pic five or so years later. include some before/after blood work results too and make it even more valid.
Originally posted by The King View PostThe test of valid before/after pics in my opinion would be a before pic followed by an after pic five or so years later.
About 1/2" thigh reduction because of endurance training on a calorie restricted diet (hence my hatred for the piss poor starvation advice in this thread).
More shoulder definition because I moved a large portion of my cardio workouts from running to boxing.
As I've said many times...PEDs are an exception. I would expect anyone on hormone therapy to push the limits because they make more things possible.
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostAh you must be right. You know what...why dont you go ahead and post progress pics. Show me how much your superior knowledge has gotten you. You've gotta be in amazing shape because of how smart you are and how dumb I am right? Or is your diet only for obese people?
You guys are like religious zealots that refute everything with the bible...when the bible is the content in question.
And you don't think that you can use that all up by not eating? Thus some fat bastard can quite literally save his own life, by just fasting until all the fat was gone? I'm not making some attempt to strawman you, I'm just asking. So what exactly do you think that fat is? Just some kind of unfortunate disease?
Next, starvation. Ugh. Point your little mouse up to your top right and click in the google search bar. Return to this conversation once you have learned what the definition of starvation is. Here's a hint: Its not fasting if you're fat. Oh and here's some proof:
We can all get a bit hungry if it has been hours since we last ate. But spare a thought for how hungry Angus Barbieri must have been after he went 382 days without eating. That’s not a typo. In 1965, 27-year-old Angus really did fast for one year and 17 days. He ate no food at all, and lost 125 kilograms (19.7 stone). Angus was reportedly sick of being obese, and checked into the University Department of Medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Dundee weighing 207kg (32.5 stone). He told hospital staff he was ready to cut out food together, so doctors happily agreed to monitor his progress. Angus’s doctors didn’t really expect the fast to last long. But they thought a short fast would help him to lose some weight. To compensate for his lack of nutrients, he was prescribed multivitamins to take regularly, including potassium and sodium, as well as yeast. As days turned to weeks, Angus’s persistence increased. The Scot wanted to reach his reported “ideal weight” of 180 pounds (12.8 stone), so he kept going, much to his doctors’ surprise. Angus would attend hospital visits frequently and often stay overnight. He received regular blood tests, all of which revealed his body was, remarkably, functioning just fine. As weeks turned into months, he compensated for his lack of food by drinking more black tea, black coffee and sparking water, of which all are calorie-free. His body began to adapt to the lack of food by burning its own fat stores for energy. For the last eight months, Angus’s blood glucose levels were consistently very low, around 2 mmol/l, but the Scot did not suffer any adverse effects as a result. In the final few months he began to have a pinch of sugar or milk in his tea and coffee. For those wondering, he ‘went to the toilet’ every 40-50 days. Angus eventually called it quits after 382 days, having finally reached his dream weight of 180 pounds. According to a Chicago Tribune report, he had forgotten the taste of food before his first meal after the fast. He ate a boiled egg with a slice of bread and butter for his first breakfast, telling reporters: "I thoroly [sic] enjoyed my egg and I feel very full." Five years later, Angus remained at a comfortable weight, weighing 196 pounds. Don’t try this at home This is an incredibly unusual case, and one of the most extreme examples of a starvation diet ever recorded. Because Angus was extremely overweight, his body was more prepared for a fast and to burn fat. But once the body has burned through its fat stores, it needs energy from food to function properly. For people of a normal weight, fasting for long periods can cause health complications, including increased strain on the heart, even with nutritional supplementation. Therefore, fasts of this length should not be attempted by anybody. They are from a time in the 1960s where long-term fasts were being studied with frequency, but there are other studies from this time where patients experienced heart failure and in some cases died of starvation. However, people with and without diabetes can experience benefits from fasting. Intermittent fasting, in particular, has shown to help the body repair damage without entering starvation, enabling an array of benefits, namely weight loss and reduced insulin resistance. Last year, American scientists revealed that short-term fasting also has health benefits for the heart. Fasting is not something that by done without great consideration though, and you should always consult your doctor before making a major dietary change. ')}WH