Alrighty, CoachFluff. If mass isn't a direct correlation, why should I care if my strength levels are the same? You're also saying that core strength and legs may have suffered more than upper body, or is it just you being butt sore? Tomorrow is leg day so we'll see what happens.
As far as being wrong:
Even if there was a loss of muscle I would not have cared.
Your English teacher failed you. It basically boils down to you having no experience with significant weight loss and your opinions have zero merit. You are the WORST weight loss coach ever!
You've already said that in a half-assed way, and it doesn't explain the consistent strength levels.
1 - mass isnt always a direct correlation with strength. They trend together but its not as simple as saying 1lb of muscle loss is 5lbs lower bench press.
2 - just because you think you're as weak as you've always been doesnt mean anything. A true measure of strength takes a lot more than just a workout. It's one if the dumbest ways to try and quantify muscle loss. Especially since you're only talking about upper body. I'm sure those chicken legs keep wasting away.
3 - unless you've got some PEDs, you re not going to just gain that muscle back without adding fat back on. Then you're going to be in this endless loop of the starvation diet then weight gain.
Either way you've finally admitted that snake diet guy is wrong and you're losing muscle. So I'll take that victory and let you keep wasting your time with bad decisions.
No counter advice from the notorious Coach Fluff, either. Just empty opinions. When starting keto I was 255. Took 14 months to reach 222. I had stalling issues and had to constantly tweak fat/protein intake. No strength loss. On the Snake Diet I went from 222 to 212. No strength loss, but somehow it's wrong. lulz...
Even if there was a loss of muscle I would not have cared because it's nothing that can't be gained again. It's a marathon, Coach Fluff! Not a sprint!
You have yet to explain how my strength levels have not changed since starting this routine. Also, you have yet to combat any of this with good information other than an opinion. There’s no substance in your “calling this shit out,” dear coach.
There are approximately 3500 calories in a lb of fat. If we make the very generous assumption that you are burning 3,000 calories of PURE FAT per are losing 0.86 lbs of fat per day. So your 6 lbs in 51 hours will consist of 1.83lbs of fat with those very generous aassumptions. That's 4lbs of mass lost that falls in the "other" category.
Sorry for not spelling it out for you, I thought you knew what you were talking about.
I'm pointing out the gaping flaw in the diet that even claims no muscle loss will occur.
You have yet to explain how my strength levels have not changed since starting this routine. Also, you have yet to combat any of this with good information other than an opinion. There’s no substance in your “calling this shit out,” dear coach.
Exercise is definitely not required with a keto diet, but it certainly compliments it. Often the initial goal should be to lose weight, since a 200 lb. person may more inclined to exercise/work out for longer periods than a 300 lb. person. This is especially true after one sees the progress they have made.
Then we agree....why are you even responding to my comments on extended fasting then?
There can be harm in trying different techniques especially if one of those techniques will undoubtedly result in muscle loss. I will always fight bad information like this.
I'm not even saying that you wont lose weight....I'm pointing out the gaping flaw in the diet that even claims no muscle loss will occur. If these guys were honest and just said "I'm so fat that I dont care what the composition of my weight loss is. I know it's not all fat, and I dont mind losing some muscle" Then we would be kosher. But they harbor their ignorance like some safety blanket and undoubtedly spread this ignorance. I know it's a bold assumption that anyone would take their advice anyways, but that doesnt mean I'm not going to call this shit out.
I definitely don’t give a shit if I lose some muscle in the process of trying to cut this time. I can say I’ve definitely lost more fat with this method than I have other times.
My situation may not be the same because I have a full gym setup and rower at home, so I can start getting right back into working out whenever I’m ready.
From what I can tell keto works for what I’m trying to accomplish this time.
I haven’t even gotten close to throwing a tantrum. You seem like a pretty good dude from what I can’t tell, but you seem to struggle accepting the folks that don’t chose to live the same healthy conscious lifestyle you do.
I personally enjoy losing some weight, then building back up over winter so I have free reign to drink and do water sports in the summer.
No harm in trying a different technique, right?
There can be harm in trying different techniques especially if one of those techniques will undoubtedly result in muscle loss. I will always fight bad information like this.
I'm not even saying that you wont lose weight....I'm pointing out the gaping flaw in the diet that even claims no muscle loss will occur. If these guys were honest and just said "I'm so fat that I dont care what the composition of my weight loss is. I know it's not all fat, and I dont mind losing some muscle" Then we would be kosher. But they harbor their ignorance like some safety blanket and undoubtedly spread this ignorance. I know it's a bold assumption that anyone would take their advice anyways, but that doesnt mean I'm not going to call this shit out.
This pissing contest has been surprisingly unfulfilling for me. Keto definitely works in multiple variations from what I can tell.
I’m down several pounds, but I can’t say it works any different than other cutting methods I’ve used in the past.
The only difference this time is my wife is also doing Keto and enjoys finding different recipes to experiment with.
You want to fast? Sweet!
You are several years into a life style that works? Fucking sweet!
You suck dick because it’s filing and less carbs than bread? Good for you Justin!
You like Snake Juice? Fucking A!
Everyone in this particular forum should be here for the same general goal, so why the fuck are we 3 pages deep in arguments about how someone else chooses to hit their goal?
You guys need to have a GTG at Ruffpuppys house to CNC each other some fucking manners.
I’m being quite cordial. I’m also coming off another 24 hour with a few glasses of bourbon and a cigar.
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