I suppose I'll jump in here also.
The past 18 months have wrecked me physically. Traveling 50% of my life, living in hotels, eating in cars in strange places, drinking too much, all while doing a MS program in the same 18 months. FML. I put on 25 lbs and lost a lot of strength.
Time to fix it. My birthday was last week, and after that dinner I, for all intents and purposes, got on the wagon. I might have ONE drink every now and then, but I'm dropping the alcohol calories for a quick fix. Beyond that I'm not going for pure strength. Whenever I take a break and come back it's not too terribly hard to get back to a 405 deadlift / 365 squat / 165 strict press, but I don't think I want that this time. I need a lot more conditioning in my life...
So I'm going back to the Pipehitter program I started and then quit right before that crazy 18 months started.
Day 1 is today:
Because I'm pretty sure there's another meniscus scoping in my future I'm replacing all running with rowing, meter for meter equivalent, so 1 mile run becomes 1600m row.
LATE EDIT:18 months off and I hit a 325 squat (then 275 for 5x5) and a 315 deadlift (then 265 for 5x5... had more on the deadlift but was being form conscious. I have no need for a back injury)
For some accountability I'm also going to spreadsheet it like last time (and then never again put so much work on my plate that my health takes a backseat). FML, this should be fun.

If anyone's interested, there's also a 10 week MARSOC (Marines Special Ops) fitness prep program that's pretty good.
Download the app and there's 7 days/week for 10 weeks with warmup/stretches, main workouts, cooldowns, detailed info on each workout (pics + text), prescribed rest days, etc. It progresses from mostly calisthenic stuff in the beginning to a 12 mile / 50 lb ruck in under 3 hrs by the end, with running, swimming, etc in there also.
The past 18 months have wrecked me physically. Traveling 50% of my life, living in hotels, eating in cars in strange places, drinking too much, all while doing a MS program in the same 18 months. FML. I put on 25 lbs and lost a lot of strength.
Time to fix it. My birthday was last week, and after that dinner I, for all intents and purposes, got on the wagon. I might have ONE drink every now and then, but I'm dropping the alcohol calories for a quick fix. Beyond that I'm not going for pure strength. Whenever I take a break and come back it's not too terribly hard to get back to a 405 deadlift / 365 squat / 165 strict press, but I don't think I want that this time. I need a lot more conditioning in my life...
So I'm going back to the Pipehitter program I started and then quit right before that crazy 18 months started.
Day 1 is today:
Find 1RM squat
Squat 85% 1RM, 5x5
3 Rounds:
Weighted walking lunges (x20)
Wallballs (x15)
12-18" box jumps (x10)
Row 300m
Find 1RM Deadlift
Deadlift 85% 1RM, 5x5
Weighted walking lunges (x20)
3 Rounds:
Weighted box step-ups (x10 each leg)
Dumbbell sumo squats (x10)
Weighted dumbbell burpees (x15)
Row 400m
Squat 85% 1RM, 5x5
3 Rounds:
Weighted walking lunges (x20)
Wallballs (x15)
12-18" box jumps (x10)
Row 300m
Find 1RM Deadlift
Deadlift 85% 1RM, 5x5
Weighted walking lunges (x20)
3 Rounds:
Weighted box step-ups (x10 each leg)
Dumbbell sumo squats (x10)
Weighted dumbbell burpees (x15)
Row 400m
LATE EDIT:18 months off and I hit a 325 squat (then 275 for 5x5) and a 315 deadlift (then 265 for 5x5... had more on the deadlift but was being form conscious. I have no need for a back injury)
For some accountability I'm also going to spreadsheet it like last time (and then never again put so much work on my plate that my health takes a backseat). FML, this should be fun.

If anyone's interested, there's also a 10 week MARSOC (Marines Special Ops) fitness prep program that's pretty good.
This app is focused on the physical fitness portion of this ideology: improving physical performance through training and nutrition. It provides photographs and descriptions of exercises used by MARSOC, and will help prepare candidates for the physical aspects of the Assessment and Selection process. Upon arriving at A&S, candidates are expected to have completed this 10-week program.