To pull the derail full circle, was motivated to try shoulder pressing the 100's for the first time since I got serious about lifting again 3 years ago. Got 2 sets of 8, but was cheating a bit too much at the end of that second one, so I moved on to the next exercise.
I'm pretty stoked for the simple fact that I'm supplement free at the moment, not even taking creatine, and on a calorie deficit. I kinda got away from really pushing myself working out alone, so thanks for the little push gasser.
No video, so if you don't believe me, that's just too damn bad.
I'm pretty stoked for the simple fact that I'm supplement free at the moment, not even taking creatine, and on a calorie deficit. I kinda got away from really pushing myself working out alone, so thanks for the little push gasser.

No video, so if you don't believe me, that's just too damn bad.
