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First injury in a while.

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  • First injury in a while.

    So we were finding our max back squat today in Crossfit and I had 365 racked and when I got Ass to Grass and started to push up, my knee popped. Now it's not an intolerable pain, just annoying and "tight". There's a little bit of swelling but not much. Tried doing a weighted lunge about 15 minutes later and it just wasn't happening. It wasn't so much the pain, but it felt like my leg just couldn't take the stress and gave out before the pain kicked in. Any ideas? My coach said worst case scenario, a minor tear in the ACL or IT band. I'm guessing that I'll need to take it easy for a week or two and hopefully it'll be better. Haven't had a knee injury in a decade and that was a hyper-extension to the same knee.
    "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson

  • #2
    knee injuries are scary. I would go get it checked out. I worried I might fuck my knees up on heavy days. I used to deadlift 500+lbs for reps but my back was constantly giving me problems. I stick to rack pulls now days. I'm scared one day my knees will quit enduring 500lb squats. I should prolly purchase some knee wraps.
    ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


    • #3
      good luck.

      hurt my shoulder a couple months back, going to see a surgeon today.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
        So we were finding our max back squat today in Crossfit and I had 365 racked and when I got Ass to Grass and started to push up, my knee popped. Now it's not an intolerable pain, just annoying and "tight". There's a little bit of swelling but not much. Tried doing a weighted lunge about 15 minutes later and it just wasn't happening. It wasn't so much the pain, but it felt like my leg just couldn't take the stress and gave out before the pain kicked in. Any ideas? My coach said worst case scenario, a minor tear in the ACL or IT band. I'm guessing that I'll need to take it easy for a week or two and hopefully it'll be better. Haven't had a knee injury in a decade and that was a hyper-extension to the same knee.
        I'm no doctor but IMO there's no such thing as a "minor" tear when it comes to the ACL. Every time I've heard of an ACL tear it's required surgery of some sort.
        Originally posted by Jester
        Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
        He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
        Originally posted by Denny
        What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
        FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


        • #5
          Originally posted by motoman View Post
          I'm no doctor but IMO there's no such thing as a "minor" tear when it comes to the ACL. Every time I've heard of an ACL tear it's required surgery of some sort.
          Apparently you can just have a small tear. When you hear about it in sports it's usually fully torn and doctors have to reconnect it and that's when you're in a cast for 6 months. I can still walk around fine. Walked around all day and the only time it gave me much trouble was when I had my leg fully extended and put the majority of my body weight on it. I'm gonna give it the week and see how it feels and even if/when it feels better, go a little easy on the heavier weights for a while.

          Thanks for the input guys. If it continues to give me problems after a couple of weeks I'll have it checked out but until then, it's easy goin'.
          "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


          • #6
            Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
            Apparently you can just have a small tear. When you hear about it in sports it's usually fully torn and doctors have to reconnect it and that's when you're in a cast for 6 months. I can still walk around fine. Walked around all day and the only time it gave me much trouble was when I had my leg fully extended and put the majority of my body weight on it. I'm gonna give it the week and see how it feels and even if/when it feels better, go a little easy on the heavier weights for a while.

            Thanks for the input guys. If it continues to give me problems after a couple of weeks I'll have it checked out but until then, it's easy goin'.
            Could also be a really bad strain. When I was playing hs football another lineman fell into my knee. It hury like hell for a day or so. Followed by about a month of my knee just not feeling stable. It ended up being just fine after a while.
            Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
            It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...


            • #7
              Good news I guess. Knee hasn't really been giving me any trouble. Was sore for a few days after the pop but now it pretty much feels normal.
              "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


              • #8
                Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
                Good news I guess. Knee hasn't really been giving me any trouble. Was sore for a few days after the pop but now it pretty much feels normal.
                Good deal, but I would still be cautious when doing anything involving that knee. Even with minor injuries, once injured, it's easier for it to happen again.

