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NE1 wanna try an at home kettle bell class?

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  • NE1 wanna try an at home kettle bell class?

    I've been doing these at home DVD's from KetleWorx since last June. I've gotten pretty good results for myself in that I've lost weight, use less insulin (type 1 diabetic for over 40 years) and lowered my blood pressure medicine.

    Late last year the guy who did these DVD's, Ryan Shanahan, started doing live on line classes on Saturdays. If you're a friend on Facebook, you've seen all my posts, LOL.

    Anyway, I do think these are a good workout, cardio and strength training for someone who has not been going to a gym, and wants to spend a little time getting in better shape. If you have a webcam and a kettle bell or hand weight you can grab, you can give one of the classes a try for $60 with this %50 off link. With a webcam, Ryan is able to see your form and give tips/suggestions as he watches how you are doing.

    The class is not going to "bulk up your muscle mass". It's designed for getting in shape, building your cardio and toning you up. You can build strength of course, use a bigger kettle bell!

    I get nothing for doing this, I am just passing the word because I do think these are helpful classes for someone looking to get back into working out who has been like me, lazy! Plus it is all at home, and an hour on Saturday mornings. With the %50 off, the class is like $6.50

    Use this link to sign up and get 50% off your first class:

  • #2
    I just went with Keith Weber's extreme kettlebell workout


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mychael101 View Post
      I just went with Keith Weber's extreme kettlebell workout
      How you like it? I've never heard of him, but then again, there are a ton of trainers out there! Kettlebells are a pretty damn good workout IMO. I've been doing this program for 9 months, I've never stuck with anything even close to this long.

