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  • Clen

    Does anyone have any results they can speak to or potential side effects they can describe from using Clenbuterol?

    I can purchase a 30day supply for less than a bottle of Lippo 6 black and get far better results from what I am reading. What should I look out for and what can I expect?

    210 looking to drop 30-40 pounds (hopefully not in 30 days).
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

  • #2
    Having done my fair share of ECA back in the day, and even a cycle of clen a few years ago, I still say that there is no replacement for a solid liveable diet, daily cardio, and patience.

    There is no denying that stimulants do help with appetite suppression and motivation, but if you don't set a solid foundation, the weight will come right back as soon as you revert back to your old habits. I would suggest that you give yourself a solid 2-3 months of diet and cardio alone, to build those heathly eating habits and cardio routine, while shooting for no more than 2lbs per week max. This is counterintuitive to the "gimme now!!" mentality forced down our throats by the multi-billion dollar diet industry, but I promise you that taking your time will make for long-term changes that you can maintain.

    After the 2-3 months add in a fat-burner if you want, but I'd still recommend not getting crazy strict with your diet in a rush to lose weight faster. You WILL end up emotionally and physically hungry near the end, and once you give yourself permission to eat again, stuffing your face will take priority over maintaining your new waistline, and before you know it the weight will creep back on faster than you lost it. Fat cells shrink when you diet, they don't go away completely, so it's that much easier to fill 'em back up than when you first gained the weight. Add in to the mix that your body will be in "starvation mode" by the end, and will store calories much faster than when at homeostasis.

    Rush dieting will also cause you to burn more musle in comparison, which will then lower your resting metabolic rate, making your body less efficient at burning fat, which further contributes to weight gain once you get back to eating "normally" again.

    To your specific question, I found that clen was marginally better than the OTC stuff in terms of burning more fat, the main benefit for me was that it didn't make me feel all "cracked out" like the caffiene based stuff. I would have probably used it more, but being illegal was a big deterrent, and it just wasn't worth it to me to go through the buying process again.


    • #3
      Thanks BigA for the response. You are 100% right about putting it right back on. That is what I am dealing with right now. Diet is so hard to control here but if I can make the right choices I can make it work. My problem besides not having worked out in a year is i eat a lot of high sodium foods from packages. Low to no fat, now to no sugar and same for cholesterol etc. Just lots of sodium.

      The legal aspect is easy for clen for me since I am not in the US but i think i am still gonna keep trucking down the regular path for a while. I fear something interacting with my BP and cholesterol meds anyways.
      Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
        Thanks BigA for the response. You are 100% right about putting it right back on. That is what I am dealing with right now. Diet is so hard to control here but if I can make the right choices I can make it work. My problem besides not having worked out in a year is i eat a lot of high sodium foods from packages. Low to no fat, now to no sugar and same for cholesterol etc. Just lots of sodium.

        The legal aspect is easy for clen for me since I am not in the US but i think i am still gonna keep trucking down the regular path for a while. I fear something interacting with my BP and cholesterol meds anyways.
        The sodium isn't so great for your BP, but shouldn't interfere with fat loss. It can make you retain water, thus affecting your overall scale weight, but is inconsequential otherwise, unless you are prepping for a contest, and need all the vascularity you can muster.

        I hear ya on being limited to certain foods, but you can still monitor overall calorie intake and still make good progress. You can lose weight living solely on cheeseburgers, if you count calories.

        Something else to consider when you do decide to add in a fat-burner, is that they can make you edgy as mentioned above. Not so much a problem in the sandbox, or for a single guy like myself, but I could see it making time with your wife and new baby a bit less enjoyable than it should be. IMO losing weight a little quicker isn't worth tainting precious time woth a newborn that you won't get back. Just food for thought, and something that you may have already considered.


        • #5
          Oh, and just for a little spark of motivation, I hadn't worked out in about 2 years come mid-November, and I have dropped 2 pants sizes (+/- 4 inches) in a little over 2 months. This is without a fat-burner, and cutting my caffiene intake by more than half. I have a moderate cheat meal 3-5 times per week, while keeping the calorie count in reason, and only get 30 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week on top of the weight training.

          This is with a sedentary job sitting in my office all day, so I'd imagine that you can do even better, being that you can eat a little more being on your feet all day. The turtle will definitely win this race, but the hare sure does keep the supplement industry booming.


          • #6
            It's easy to eat healthy at Bagram. Stay away from the fried food line and ice cream. I lost 32lbs in 3 months last time over there.

            And I've taken clen/t3 with great results. Won't do shit for you though if your diet isn't good. Cardio first thing in the morning and lots of water. You will feel real jittery for a while though but you have plenty of energy.
            You remember the stories John use to tell us about the the three chinamen playing Fantan? This guy runs up to them and says, "Hey, the world's coming to an end!" and the first one says, "Well, I best go to the mission and pray," and the second one says, "Well, hell, I'm gonna go and buy me a case of Mezcal and six whores," and the third one says "Well, I'm gonna finish the game." I shall finish the game, Doc.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DieselSmoke View Post
              It's easy to eat healthy at Bagram. Stay away from the fried food line and ice cream. I lost 32lbs in 3 months last time over there.

              And I've taken clen/t3 with great results. Won't do shit for you though if your diet isn't good. Cardio first thing in the morning and lots of water. You will feel real jittery for a while though but you have plenty of energy.
              When are getting here?

              The only time i eat in the DFAC is mid morning snack at 0830-0900. A couple hard boiled egg whites and a little bit of cut fruit. Breakfast is at 0500 after the gym and is oatmeal and a granny smith apple i pilfer from the dfac the day before.

              There is a snickers on my desk wall that i keep just to let me know i can't have it. Hell no to ice cream or cheats till i loose weigh first
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #8
                T3 messes with your thyroid and endocrine system, not something that I would recommend for the casual dieter, there are very real long-term risks if you screw something up. You can do it safely, but you are playing with fire just to lose a little weight, which will come off just fine without it.

                It's definitely geared towards a pro that has a contest schedule to keep, and even then it's a calculated risk.

                If you do decide to try the clen Keith, definitely do your research first. It's not like OTC stuff where you just pop 2 in the am and 2 before a workout, the dose has to be tapered up and tapered back down to do it safely, you risk cardiovascular damage if you just start popping pills/sublinguals.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                  When are getting here?

                  The only time i eat in the DFAC is mid morning snack at 0830-0900. A couple hard boiled egg whites and a little bit of cut fruit. Breakfast is at 0500 after the gym and is oatmeal and a granny smith apple i pilfer from the dfac the day before.

                  There is a snickers on my desk wall that i keep just to let me know i can't have it. Hell no to ice cream or cheats till i loose weigh first
                  I'm not at the moment, the rest of the guys in a few weeks. We just had our son Tuesday and I wasn't gonna leave my wife home alone with a newborn and a 18 month old. There are plenty of new guys to take my place. But i could've use to deployment to get in shape and make money.

                  I miss the dfac, someone to cook for me because my wife sure doesn't.
                  You remember the stories John use to tell us about the the three chinamen playing Fantan? This guy runs up to them and says, "Hey, the world's coming to an end!" and the first one says, "Well, I best go to the mission and pray," and the second one says, "Well, hell, I'm gonna go and buy me a case of Mezcal and six whores," and the third one says "Well, I'm gonna finish the game." I shall finish the game, Doc.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DieselSmoke View Post
                    I'm not at the moment, the rest of the guys in a few weeks. We just had our son Tuesday and I wasn't gonna leave my wife home alone with a newborn and a 18 month old. There are plenty of new guys to take my place. But i could've use to deployment to get in shape and make money.

                    I miss the dfac, someone to cook for me because my wife sure doesn't.
                    Congrats on the new baby. I feel ya, not wanting to leave. I feel the same way.

                    Careful with what you say about your wife's cooking or lack there of. I say nice things about my wife, she reads over my shoulder when I am home. lol
                    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

