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Gotta love people in the gym after new years

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  • #61
    Originally posted by stangin4lyfe View Post
    haha...thanks man and good catch!

    Elvis and his dolls are OCD


    • #62
      Originally posted by FunFordCobra
      Maybe for a weak bodied minded person. I've been doing 7 days a week almost 2 years straight now...Came from 400 lbs to 210 @ 10% body fat. I'd reccomend 7 days to anyone with superior genetics and strong mental state to match.

      If you dont feel welcome, keep going and you will. People warm up to you quite quick if you are every day guy. Everyone started talking to me about 6 months in. But you have to put in effort too. If you walk around in your own world no one will talk to you ether. Make EYE contact dont be scared. ASK questions!
      Well mr superior...was that weight loss and muscle building all natural? If you did that all in 2 years and deny help then I'll have a hard time believing anything you say.


      • #63
        Originally posted by FunFordCobra
        Maybe for a weak bodied minded person. I've been doing 7 days a week almost 2 years straight now...Came from 400 lbs to 210 @ 10% body fat. I'd reccomend 7 days to anyone with superior genetics and strong mental state to match.

        If you dont feel welcome, keep going and you will. People warm up to you quite quick if you are every day guy. Everyone started talking to me about 6 months in. But you have to put in effort too. If you walk around in your own world no one will talk to you ether. Make EYE contact dont be scared. ASK questions!
        Well mr superior...was that weight loss and muscle building all natural? If you did that all in 2 years and deny help then I'll have a hard time believing anything you say.


        • #64
          that's only 8 pounds a month, and i'm sure he had 10-20 pound months in the begining.

          What's so hard to believe that once he got his diet in check, started lifting and doing cardio that he couldn't drop 190 pounds over two years.

          I work with a guy who lost a little over 100 pounds in a year by doing pretty much the same thing. burning more calories than he actually consumed in a day via exercise. i.e. he'd eat 1500 calories a day, and burned close to 3000 in the gym a day.


          • #65
            Originally posted by FunFordCobra
            Yes, I did it all myself. No surgery,no trainer, no drugs besides pot...Just pure dedication which everyone has but few can put to the test. I got alot of good advice from people like Tex, The Raven, and Grayhorse just to name a few.

            I'd post pics but for some reason all my pics won't post on this new site..

            Believe it or not, I don't really care lol. Most people who came from the old site have seen my pics and what I have come from. There's always an article thats proven that something-or-other is better-or-worse for you everywhere on the internet.

            I found best to take advice from people who live the life rather then just reasearch and then post on a blog or something or believe random shit from the internet.

            I really went from 400-197 and have been bulking snce then. Up from 197 @ 10% BF to 205-210 12% BF give or take depending on what I'm eating.

            Sorry if I was sounding superrior to you but that attitude kills me because my whole family is huge.. I mean 400-475 kinda huge and they think the same which is soo not true..

            It's not DIET it's LIFESTYLE CHANGE!!
            Trust me...I know the lifestyle and have been living it. And I remember you from the old site. I just don't remember it only being a 2 year transformation. That's why I assumed if that was true you had a little more help than I thought.

            You said yourself you have superior Genetics...that's what caught my eye for the first response. Sounds cocky

            I have been working out consistently for about 12 years now...I would say 2 weeks is the longest I have ever taken off and that was only in extreme circumstances. I know the toll 7 day a weeks workouts take on the body...and it seems the only people I know that can do that are juice monkeys or someone on designer steroids. Or with some other sort of help.

            Either way you have had good results. But you're preaching to the choir if you're telling me how to be fit.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
              I have been working out consistently for about 12 years now...I would say 2 weeks is the longest I have ever taken off and that was only in extreme circumstances. I know the toll 7 day a weeks workouts take on the body...and it seems the only people I know that can do that are juice monkeys or someone on designer steroids. Or with some other sort of help.

              Either way you have had good results. But you're preaching to the choir if you're telling me how to be fit.
              Woooooo, hold up...
              I've went from as much as 270lbs down to 210lbs and now sitting at 235lbs @ 12%.
              I'm in the gym 7 days a week and been like this for years bro and never taken any steroids or fake crap.
              It's all about dedication and how bad you want results and what you are willing to give to obtain them.
              Last edited by stangin4lyfe; 01-15-2011, 07:40 AM.


              • #67
                Originally posted by saleen449 View Post
                I'm dating the woman(Rae) he was engaged to when he passed. She has told me alot about him and he seems like someone I would have liked to have known.
                Hammer said to tell her that he said hello and he remembers her.
                Please also tell her that Hammer now has a defibillator
                in his heart too.


                • #68
                  Im not sure how any of my posts were cocky. I just think that everyone should get fair treatment at the gym. Even if someone is new and doing it for a resolution they have the right to be there. There are too many elitest people that think the gym belongs to them. There is too many overweight people out there and I think everyone should give them a chance to change their life.

                  This was my message


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Beej View Post
                    Im not sure how any of my posts were cocky. I just think that everyone should get fair treatment at the gym. Even if someone is new and doing it for a resolution they have the right to be there. There are too many elitest people that think the gym belongs to them. There is too many overweight people out there and I think everyone should give them a chance to change their life.

                    This was my message
                    Good message.

                    I dunno, if I ever get to the point that I need to be THAT focused (hording equipment) I'd probably invest in that gear at the house then.
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by FunFordCobra
                      Haha the cocky thing wasnt for you it was for ruffdaddy! I didnt call antone cocky or elitist I just think you read my message wrong lol.
                      I guess I did.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by FunFordCobra
                        Haha the cocky thing wasnt for you it was for ruffdaddy! I didnt call antone cocky or elitist I just think you read my message wrong lol.
                        The cocky reference was a result from your claim to superior genetics and ownership or gym equipment. Maybe I misunderstood too but that's how alot of it has come off to me.

                        And stangin4life...going from fat ass to cut and jacked is hugely different than your situation (losing 60ish lbs). Hell just going from 12% to 10% is tough. And when I try to maintain sub 10% bf it takes way more effort than a 12-10 transition. It is not quite linear.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by FunFordCobra
                          I started Jan 1st 2009 so it's 2 years and 14 days to date lol.

                 post was for Beej.. you came out of left field with all that cocky stuff..

                          I'd just like to set an example for people that are VERY OVERWEIGHT and think it's hopeless without surgery ect,ect..I'm not cocky at all..I just put in 150% daily..Not like alot of others who say they do but still make it to McDonalds 2 or 3 times a week! Haha.
                          Actually, you're the one who came out with the cocky stuff. Your original post in this thread reeks of elitism.
                          How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                          • #73
                            This thread makes me glad we have a pool and outdoor track at the fitness club I attend. When all the machines and every weight station is full, I still have options.

                            I don't have time to argue with anyone in the morning. I have to get done and get to work. I also am not uber buff, so I'm not trying to impress anyone with how many weights I can sling and not re-rack.

                            I dread the wife and I possibly moving in a few years. Then I'll have to shell out huge dollars to join a place like Cooper fitness. They have it all and plenty of it, but it costs a fortune to play there.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by FunFordCobra
                              When you tell them this, they don't understand about heart rate and intensity..They just think they are being bullied off a machine and don't even listen to what you have to say..( all I ask is how long they have left )
                              Why don't you mind your own fucking business when at the gym? If having that treadmill is so important to you, go buy it and use it at home. If you don't have a big enough home, maybe concentrate on being successful enough to have one instead of busting people's balls at the gym.

                              I was fine until you indicated you interact with someone doing their thing in an asshole manner. You seem like a real fucking asshole. I give a shit how bad ass you THINK you are, you're a dickhead based off the posts you're making here.

                              I too am TRULY a quiet guy, but you're just the person these days that has a sense of self entitlement that I can not fucking stand.

                              Do I like people doing what you're complaining about? No. Does not mean you have to say SHIT to them. I ONLY run for 30 minutes at 6 to 6.5 miles per hour and you better not say shit to me. I give a fuck what treadmill I'm using.
                              Originally posted by MR EDD
                              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                              • #75

