If you think you're getting to the point with a bar that you're pumping out reps and not having the "owwww" feeling 2 days later, start doing controlled negatives with dumbbells. Some of the best gains I had on bar was after 6 weeks of DB negatives.
I used 70% of the max 8 set bar weight (205). For me that was 80s. Positive, pause, 6-second negative. Repeat to fail. Do 4 sets. I went from 225x4 and 80s for 6,6,4,2 to 80s for 13,8,4,3 in 6 weeks and went 225x8. Monstrous gains in strength and a noticeable separation in my pecs. I used the same method for tris, bis and calves. Having a spotter helps, have the spotter pull you up when you fail positive and force out another couple negatives.
I used 70% of the max 8 set bar weight (205). For me that was 80s. Positive, pause, 6-second negative. Repeat to fail. Do 4 sets. I went from 225x4 and 80s for 6,6,4,2 to 80s for 13,8,4,3 in 6 weeks and went 225x8. Monstrous gains in strength and a noticeable separation in my pecs. I used the same method for tris, bis and calves. Having a spotter helps, have the spotter pull you up when you fail positive and force out another couple negatives.