Originally posted by AnthonyS
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Lifting for weightloss.
Originally posted by Sleeper View Posthow tall are you ffc?
My little 5'6 legs would be ripped the fuck off at 12mph haha.
And with all the running I've been doing, it's WAY harder to get my heart rate up lifting if I slack AT ALLl..
I can seriously stop for 5 min and just say hi to someone and all I've worked for the past 30 or so min is gone lol...
I've switched gym's for this exact same reason!Comment
Originally posted by FunFordCobra View PostAbout 6'3 haha..
And with all the running I've been doing, it's WAY harder to get my heart rate up lifting if I slack AT ALLl..
I can seriously stop for 5 min and just say hi to someone and all I've worked for the past 30 or so min is gone lol...
I've switched gym's for this exact same reason!
I'm 5'7" and can probably hit 12 mph in short sprints. I did 1 mile worth of sprints and walking after a very quick 10 miles of biking Thursday after work. My bike heart rate was 165 average, which at my age is huffing it. I didn't have my monitor on since I was running indoors so I don't know what I hit running.
Originally posted by AnthonyS View PostYes I read the synopsis. Did you forget that in your first post you wrote it is a synopsis, and that you don't have access to the entire paper?
Dud you think there might be information outside what you think is right? Or this paper?
My highest heart rates are achieved while running. I use a silly heart rate monitor and a computer to track it too. Most everyone's highest heart rates are achieved while running. It's one of the things that makes us human. I already do all the weight lifting I have time for, but thanks for the offer. I typically do a big twice a week after cycling or running.
While losing weight is possible lifting weights (the point of this paper), it will never be the best way to do it (my point).
So how am I wrong on that? And why are you bringing Muhammed and Jesus into the argument? Is it because you can't contradict that with facts? It's the oldest and lamest trick in the book. No evidence.... Then just try and discredit the opposition. That's fine, but I'm not falling for it. Obama would be proud of you though. Maybe it's all Bush's fault huh?
Quick question, why are you even in this thread? You've already admitted you don't know how to train effectively in the fashion you're championing, what makes you think you can debate another type of training?
Your heart rate may be higher when running than lifting, because you think that all lifting is 3 sets of 8 with 2 minute rest periods, with the same weight you've been using for decades. FYI, the body responds to stress the same, no matter what the resistance. It doesn't matter if you run, swim, lift or row, if you work at 90% of your max, your heart rate will reach 90% of its max.
The caveat, lifting increases muscle mass, which burns more calories when the body is at rest than fat, increasing daily metabolic burn.
Please, post a fact, not your anecdotal claptrap because you got your lazy ass off the couch and lost some weight. Good for you, enjoy your life of 10 minute miles and 18% BF.
Resistance training should be incorporated in nearly all fitness routines. You burn more calories doing nothing if you have more muscle mass. You burn calories while lifting. You also have an increased metabolic rate for longer after an intense weight lifting session. To think people don't sprint because it hurts to breath hard makes you sound like a...nevermind I'll refrain from name calling.
The best workouts are balanced workouts. Not pure cardio and not pure weights. Stop giving advice if you don't know what you're talking about.
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