I usually hang out in the 220-225 range but this year starting in January I decided that 220ish was just too heavy for a middle aged guy.
I've dropped down to 207 but the worst thing is that I can't push as much weight as I could when I was heavier.
The 100s for dumbbell shoulder presses are just freaking heavy now, I'm using the 90s or 95s on a good day.
It was a struggle to get 275 reverse grip bench for 5 when I could get it for 6 reps while heavier.
This is the same with about every exercise.
I know "weight moves weight", but this is frustrating.
On the bright side, it is easier to move while doing cardio and obstacle course stuff.
I've dropped down to 207 but the worst thing is that I can't push as much weight as I could when I was heavier.
The 100s for dumbbell shoulder presses are just freaking heavy now, I'm using the 90s or 95s on a good day.
It was a struggle to get 275 reverse grip bench for 5 when I could get it for 6 reps while heavier.
This is the same with about every exercise.
I know "weight moves weight", but this is frustrating.
On the bright side, it is easier to move while doing cardio and obstacle course stuff.