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What keeps you motivated?

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  • What keeps you motivated?

    I'm kind of hitting a mental plateau. I guess my rationalization is a mix of winter coming on, my mundane workout routine (times of day that I workout, not the workouts themselves), and a lack of tangible goals are starting to wear my motivation down.

    I have been running a lot of races, but I honestly don't really care for running that much, I just like working towards an absolute goal. I am playing old man baseball in the spring but I'm not taking it too seriously since I'm just playing in a rec league for my first year back.

    What keeps you motivated or what tricks do you use to stay amped up about working out?
    An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.

    -Victor Hugo

  • #2
    Some kind of competition is my ultimate motivator, but I know thats not always a possibility. Ive kinda changed my mind set about working out, at first it was like every chick to look good, but I just want to be as healthy as possible (and look good) now.

    Maybe write down some goals you have, short and long term. That way you have some tangible "end point"


    • #3
      Luckily I actually enjoy working out. I can't stand eating healthy. I know without both, my results will be limited, or at least won't come as quickly but fuck it. I work at a gym so I have no excuse not to work out. When I didn't work at a gym, it was a way to escape. Left my phone in my locker, and just did my thing for an hour and a half a day. Plus that daze that I would be in after a good workout was awesome.
      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


      • #4
        This is exactly why I started doing triathlons. Regardless of the weather, I can swim or ride the trainer indoors. I compete against myself more than anything, but also people in my class. It keeps me motivated year-round.


        • #5
          lol...I too generally do it just to escape these days. Other than the toilet, it's the only alone place left.

          I remember the feeling when done to help me get done.
          Originally posted by MR EDD
          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


          • #6
            I enjoy achieving goals, therefore I must stay motivated.
            So to me...I have no choice!


            • #7
              Boobs. Boobs motivate me.

              Also, I'm a platoon leader, so I always have to try and one up my guys. I further use the gym to get away from everything else for a couple hours.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                lol...I too generally do it just to escape these days. Other than the toilet, it's the only alone place left.

                I remember the feeling when done to help me get done.
                Wait till your kids figure out how to unlock the bathroom door from the outside, Chris! ;o)

                My kids motivate me. By that, I mean, I want to be healthy and in shape so I can: throw the ball, play basketball, soccer, racquetball, tennis, etc...whatever they are into. I've been into sports my whole life, but my dad was always working and when he was home, he never had the energy or the desire to shoot hoops or chuck/kick a ball around. I will be a better dad!

                I also set a goal for myself to run a marathon by the time I turn 40, and I know everyone thinks it's nuts, but I'm going to do it barefoot! I turn 40, Sept 18th next year. I've been running exclusively barefoot since June, run a bunch of 5k's a couple 10k's, a 15k and my first half-marathon at the Rock N Roll San Antonio 11/14 and lost over 30lbs in the process. I'm signed up for the White Rock half on Sunday, the Rock N Roll Dallas half in March and the SanDiego full in June. If that goes well, I may shoot for a half iron man and then a full before I turn 50.

                2012 Silver Mustang GT 5.0:stock.
                '00 Performance Red Mustang GT 4v turbo 6-speed 540rwhp/572rwtq (SOLD)
                '07 Honda CB919 (SOLD)


                • #9
                  You know, I'm not always crazy about the newest, greatest, latest innovations in technology. But are a trend that caught my eye.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by exlude View Post
                    You know, I'm not always crazy about the newest, greatest, latest innovations in technology. But are a trend that caught my eye.
                    Haha...yeah. There is a method to the maddness, but I don't want to hyjack the motivation thread.

                    2012 Silver Mustang GT 5.0:stock.
                    '00 Performance Red Mustang GT 4v turbo 6-speed 540rwhp/572rwtq (SOLD)
                    '07 Honda CB919 (SOLD)


                    • #11
                      The mirror keeps me motivated. That and the older I get, the fewer fit people there I like being the one who didn't quit.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                        The mirror keeps me motivated. That and the older I get, the fewer fit people there I like being the one who didn't quit.
                        Wait until 50. There are damn few of us around. I'm no flat-belly, but I do OK.


                        • #13
                          Looks like will be doing their transformation contest soon using the Jamie Eason Livefit trainer - that's motivation for you!

