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Gaining size

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  • Gaining size

    Whats the best way to do it?

    Light to heavy weight?
    Heavy to light?
    Stay consistent?

    I'm try to get my bench up on bar because I've never really done a barred bench press routine. I normally start low and work up from there. I want to get into the 300's and I did 275 the other day but I got one good lift and then ran out of steam. I think I need to start heavier and work down. I did (10) 245, (5) 265, (1-1/2) 275. I'm lifting from touching my chest to full extension and arms outside shoulder width.
    Putting warheads on foreheads since 2004

    Pro-Touring Build

  • #2
    Youre trying to max and doing full wets of heavy weight....just do a couple reps per set. If you wanna gain size eat more.
    "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


    • #3
      you get stronger in the gym and bigger in the kitchen.
      ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


      • #4
        Takes a lot more exercises than that. I have always preferred a pyramid similar to what you're doing but several more sets: 12, 8, 6, 6, 2, 1. You can change it up a little, but you also need to do more exercises. Try close grip, 1 and a halfs, and other chest exercises in general. Dumbbell press is one of the better for mass building.


        • #5
          Oh and you absolutely need a spot. If you're not going to failure it's gonna be hard.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Z06killinsbf View Post
            Whats the best way to do it?

            Light to heavy weight?
            Heavy to light?
            Stay consistent?

            I'm try to get my bench up on bar because I've never really done a barred bench press routine. I normally start low and work up from there. I want to get into the 300's and I did 275 the other day but I got one good lift and then ran out of steam. I think I need to start heavier and work down. I did (10) 245, (5) 265, (1-1/2) 275. I'm lifting from touching my chest to full extension and arms outside shoulder width.

            Pretty good bulking routine!!

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            • #7
              Thanks for the tips guys. I'm getting there! I also go to fail with a spot.
              Putting warheads on foreheads since 2004

              Pro-Touring Build


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                Takes a lot more exercises than that. I have always preferred a pyramid similar to what you're doing but several more sets: 12, 8, 6, 6, 2, 1. You can change it up a little, but you also need to do more exercises. Try close grip, 1 and a halfs, and other chest exercises in general. Dumbbell press is one of the better for mass building.

                Add 5 lbs each time you get to you're working set on bench. Do 5 reps at 5 sets and go to your next exercise. Trying to hit muscles from different angles is just to get a pump. You won't get stronger without increasing weight each time n doing real compound exercises.

                Power lifters don't compete with cable crossovers do they? Fuck no


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Beenfetchedlately View Post

                  Add 5 lbs each time you get to you're working set on bench. Do 5 reps at 5 sets and go to your next exercise. Trying to hit muscles from different angles is just to get a pump. You won't get stronger without increasing weight each time n doing real compound exercises.

                  Power lifters don't compete with cable crossovers do they? Fuck no
                  so if he works out for 2 years, hitting chest once a week, and starts at 250lbs, he will bench press over 750lbs (104wks x 5lbs = 520lbs)

                  the +5lbs a week is ridiculous, those who are successful with it use it in short spurts (or are on roids), no way someone who has trained for any length of time can expect to keep up a +5lb per session or we'd all be putting bennie's 1015lb dead lift to shame within a few years!

                  i agree with matt, bulk is diet.


                  • #10
                    I did FST-7 with some success but in hindsight I wasn't eating enough, probably only eating at 12-13x BW

                    If you haven't tried it, give it a go -


                    • #11
                      No one said to only do chest once a week. I do mine every 4 days. So in two weeks time going 3 days a week...3 times in a 6 day session in 2 weeks vs 2 times in two weeks...not enough strength or growth in a 2 workout 2 week period.

                      Once you cant add 5 lbs a workout, use fractional plates. As long as your adding weight each successful 5x5 working weight set you'll gain strength which with good diet equals size!

                      My results from 6 weeks.
                      Squats I started at 135 for giggles. Never worked legs much because I bike a lot! Today I will squat 285 in my 5x5. I must be juicing right!???
                      I do squat all 3 days a week because it works nearly every muscle in your body when done correctly.


                      • #12
                        A day workout
                        Bench press
                        Parallel bent over rows

                        B Day workout
                        Overhead press
                        Deadlifts 1x5 working set; 10lbs added each time a successful completion is done.

                        Everything I do is raw, strict form and fuck pro hormones. Just because you can't do it naturally doesn't mean it can't be done over time.


                        • #13
                          again, for someone who is relatively "untrained" this might work, but 135lb squats are a warm up so of course i'd expect most folks to be able to add 5lbs a week. my point is that if someone knows their max weights the expectation to add weight every week simply cannot work over a extended period of time. when you are deadlifting 500+lbs @ 185lbs the idea that you just add 5lbs twice a week will not work, if it did we'd be always be setting records.

                          for reference my sub 110lb fiance can squat 185lbs (with better form then any guy i know) and can deadlift 255lbs. i'd hope that most of the guys on here who train can add 5lbs to a 135lb squat, consistently adding 5lbs to a 500lb squat however is a different game.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by dville_gt's girl View Post
                            I did FST-7 with some success but in hindsight I wasn't eating enough, probably only eating at 12-13x BW

                            If you haven't tried it, give it a go -
                            Lost me at "You should avoid using compound lifts as part of your 7 set"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by exlude View Post
                              Lost me at "You should avoid using compound lifts as part of your 7 set"
                              Can't fix stupid...not even with duct tape.

