Whats the best way to do it?
Light to heavy weight?
Heavy to light?
Stay consistent?
I'm try to get my bench up on bar because I've never really done a barred bench press routine. I normally start low and work up from there. I want to get into the 300's and I did 275 the other day but I got one good lift and then ran out of steam. I think I need to start heavier and work down. I did (10) 245, (5) 265, (1-1/2) 275. I'm lifting from touching my chest to full extension and arms outside shoulder width.
Light to heavy weight?
Heavy to light?
Stay consistent?
I'm try to get my bench up on bar because I've never really done a barred bench press routine. I normally start low and work up from there. I want to get into the 300's and I did 275 the other day but I got one good lift and then ran out of steam. I think I need to start heavier and work down. I did (10) 245, (5) 265, (1-1/2) 275. I'm lifting from touching my chest to full extension and arms outside shoulder width.