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i just cant get back on the horse :(

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  • i just cant get back on the horse :(

    I was doing great for so long. was very very dedicated to my diet, eating clean and working out 5-6 days a week. in fact, I was probably working out too much and wasn't letting my body rest enough. Well I started to get burnt out. even though I was peaking, I am my own worst critic. I felt I wasny gaining fast enough in my strength and endurance. my knees started to bother me so I decided to take 2 weeks off. in that two weeks I ate whatever I wanted, let me body rest and the intentions were to come back rested and ready. well work started to get busy and I’ve been hit or miss ever since. it’s been about 2.5 months now. I just can't get back to my stride of being as dedicated as I was before. I have a huge mental block b/c I’m nowhere near where I was before I stopped. I know if I can get back into the routine I’ll rebound and get back to where I was but for some reason I just can't do it.

    I’ve always been all or nothing in most facets of my life and that's always been a double-edged sword for myself. I need to learn moderation

  • #2
    What types of wkouts were you doing?


    • #3
      Don't be a quitter JP. <---- grabs towel and heads to the gym.
      -2013 Mustang gt.


      • #4
        Same here dude, I dropped weight, lost 4 inches around my waist and was feeling great. Was not happy about the diet because
        it was really boring. Then cheated on 1 meal which lead to several now I'm going to the gym once a week maybe. I really need to get back on it!
        -1997 Supra- mid 8 second street car
        -1993 Cobra- 700rw
        -2012 CTS-V- 9 second daily driver
        -1991 Coupe- LSA/TT/4L80 in the making
        -2007 GSXR 1000- built turbo bike


        • #5
          I took last week off because I tore a bunch of skin off my hand doing a kettlebell workout and wanted it to heal. This week it takes every ounce of whatever to force myself to workout. Sucks. I still do it though.
          "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


          • #6
            Originally posted by Flashstang04 View Post
            What types of wkouts were you doing?
            been going to frisco Crossfit since january. was legit paleo for 4-5 months. was setting PR's but my knees started to bother me and was down hill from there. I went today. trying to catch a stride for 2 weeks and hopefully that'll be enough for me to get back up on this.


            • #7
              Originally posted by TINKRD View Post
              been going to frisco Crossfit since january. was legit paleo for 4-5 months. was setting PR's but my knees started to bother me and was down hill from there. I went today. trying to catch a stride for 2 weeks and hopefully that'll be enough for me to get back up on this.
              It's always good to take some time off so don't sweat it. Just get back on the horse. Staying consistent in CrossFit requires that you take some time off now and then to make progress. It's a lot more taxing than standardized training so just ease back into it and get back into the swing.


              • #8
                Don't go all 100% CF or 100% Paleo. What works for me (I have the same fault of going all out then burning out) is finding a balance of being better but not perfect. It has to be something you can sustain. I know you like to party some and eat out some and that's ok just do so in moderation and be pretty strict (not nazi strict) the rest of the time. And when you are off track don't go "hey I am cheating today, it's ok to eat 4k calories".

                Same thing with the work outs, maybe drop back to 3 days a week to give your body some downtime between workouts. I make myself take off Tuesday's and there are no classes I go to Friday (jiu jitsu not CF) to let my body heal some. I randomly take additional days off when banged up or you will never heal and always have nagging stuff.

                You are your body's best gauge of how hard to push and when you need a break. Don't over exert yourself but don't not at least challenge yourself either bud.


                • #9
                  If hurt or injured the answer is not to completely blow off the gym to let your body rest. Going to the gym is a habit and it is real easy to fall out of it if you don't go for even a few days during your normal routine. If hurt then find some other activity to do while at the gym to keep your heart rate up and to stay in the grove.
                  Last edited by SS Junk; 11-16-2011, 07:38 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Adam View Post
                    Don't be a quitter JP. <---- grabs towel and heads to the gym.
                    That's the spirit!
                    You know I'll be there every day!!!


                    • #11
                      I'm having the same problem, work has been kicking my ass. I need to get back in my routine.


                      • #12
                        Also in a slump. Did good all through the summer, but as soon as the cool weather hits all I wanna do is sit on my butt and play video games. Forced myself to work out last night and I am sore as fuck today.


                        • #13
                          Change up your routine!

                          I started stronglifts 5x5. Compound exercises n each day I add my weight n rep it out. Add 5 more the next time n I'm setting new bests everytime I go n it feels awesome holding my self accountable for new levels. I look forward to those three days a week. I'm close to my goals on squat n DL...and it's only been 5 weeks. 300lbs each raw and with correct form is a great feeling all natural n in 12 weeks time


                          • #14
                            I recomend 3 things that are working for me:

                            1) Perspective...always, always, ALWAYS remember, life is a marathon...not a sprint! Your choices need to echo in your health, long term. You should be able to, not only live with your routine, diet and lifestyle till death do you part, but enjoy it!!!! This is supposed to be fun, or why do it?!! What's 2 1/2 mo over the next 40??? If it takes you 5yrs to get where you want to get, but it's fun and you can stick with it for life, AWESOME! You have a fun filled 5yrs ahead of you!

                            2) Have a plan. Set REALISTIC goals...lots of them! Smaller goals that will get you to your bigger goals. Successful people set goals for everything! Set some for your diet, sleep, lifting, cardio, weight, measurements, etc. Set big long term ones and little bitty easy ones you can celebrate along the way and don't forget to reward yourself. Treat yourself to a light day, a day off, a food you like, etc whenever you achieve something. Find someone who's done what you want to do and find out how they did it, if you can't come up with a plan.

                            3) Let yourself be human. "All or nothing" sucks! I was like that too and you end up with a lot of "nothing" days. You need to do the work to break your body down, fuel it properly and tax it fully, but the growth is in the time off and sleep that heals you stronger than before. Rest, recovery and sleep should be included in your plan and goals.

                            It all comes down to your mindset. This is supposed to be fun! Enjoy the work, the time off, new food and both the victories and the set backs! Set backs are only a waste of time if you don't learn from them.

                  's possible I've been watching waaaay too much Biggest Looser, but that don't make it not true! ;o) I've lost 32lbs since April 1st when I started running. I just finished a barefoot half marathon on Sunday! I started with 100yd jog, a bunch of run:walks, joined a running club, and a bunch of small goals later, I'm signed up for the SanDiego, CA Full Marathon June 2012. There is a lot more work to be done till then, but it's been a blast the whole way! Most important, if I can do it, ANYONE can do it!!

                            2012 Silver Mustang GT 5.0:stock.
                            '00 Performance Red Mustang GT 4v turbo 6-speed 540rwhp/572rwtq (SOLD)
                            '07 Honda CB919 (SOLD)

