Going to test with a fire department in a few weeks so I've decided to start running. This dept. requires a mile run, some I've seen require a mile and a half. I feel like the physical side is definitely a place where I can shine as I work out religiously and am in good shape. I went and bought some good running shoes (had them look at my feet and recommend some, then tried on like 8 pairs). Ended up with some Brooks support style shoes.
So I went and ran exactly a mile through my neighborhood (very hilly) after a leg workout (probably not the best time, but at least my heart rate was up). Ran it in 8:36 seconds.
Didn't get much soreness from that run. Waited a few days and went to the treadmill to run. Ran a 7:40 mile on the treadmill and completed 5 miles in about 50 minutes (only ran 2.5-3 miles intermittently, jogged/speed walked the rest).
Now I have some extreme soreness on the top of my feet and front of my shins, especially bad on my right side.
Tried to run this morning but only made it one lap before I decided to give it a rest until this pain subsides a bit.
So, any tips on what is wrong with my foot/shin and how to take care of it and additionally, any tips on decreasing your mile/mile and half run times?
So I went and ran exactly a mile through my neighborhood (very hilly) after a leg workout (probably not the best time, but at least my heart rate was up). Ran it in 8:36 seconds.
Didn't get much soreness from that run. Waited a few days and went to the treadmill to run. Ran a 7:40 mile on the treadmill and completed 5 miles in about 50 minutes (only ran 2.5-3 miles intermittently, jogged/speed walked the rest).
Now I have some extreme soreness on the top of my feet and front of my shins, especially bad on my right side.
Tried to run this morning but only made it one lap before I decided to give it a rest until this pain subsides a bit.
So, any tips on what is wrong with my foot/shin and how to take care of it and additionally, any tips on decreasing your mile/mile and half run times?