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TRT (test replacement therapy)

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  • TRT (test replacement therapy)

    can low dose trt cause shutdown? I thought it was only like big doses like 400mg/ week of test cyp? seen guys get a couple of injections then not show up for a while? wondering what their levels are doing? Asked a Dr about novadex/clomid if they did shut down and they knew nothing of it helping

  • #2


    • #3
      Your T levels will shut down after your body realizes that your levels are extremely high. Your pituitary gland regulates your hormone levels and it'll definitely know something is off when you have a huge amount of T. If you stay at a natural level for your age your body will not stop making T on its own. Clomid and Novadex are Estrogen blockers. Your body will counter the large amount of T with Estrogen to balance everything out. That's not good because Estrogen is what causes gynecomastia and other health problems for men. But you really only need to worry about that if you're using high doses of T.
      Last edited by Cannon; 08-22-2011, 02:17 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cannon View Post
        Your T levels will shut down after your body realizes that your levels are extremely high. Your pituitary gland regulates your hormone levels and it'll definitely know something is off when you have a huge amount of T. If you stay at a natural level for your age your body will not stop making T on its own. Clomid and Novadex are Estrogen blockers. Your body will counter the large amount of T with Estrogen to balance everything out. That's not good because Estrogen is what causes gynecomastia and other health problems for men. But you really only need to worry about that if you're using high doses of T.
        Wrong...exogenous use of testosterone will cause HPTA shutdown. You probably shouldnt be giving information about stuff which you really do not understand.


        • #5
          Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
          Wrong...exogenous use of testosterone will cause HPTA shutdown. You probably shouldnt be giving information about stuff which you really do not understand.
          So everyone that gets HRT has HPTA shutdown? I talked to my dad's doctor before he started HRT and he said as long as you stay at a natural level there would be no shutdown.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cannon View Post
            So everyone that gets HRT has HPTA shutdown? I talked to my dad's doctor before he started HRT and he said as long as you stay at a natural level there would be no shutdown.
            Yes...when you take exogenous testosterone, you will shut down your HPTA. Your dad's doctor shouldnt be prescribing this medication.


            • #7
              Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
              Yes...when you take exogenous testosterone, you will shut down your HPTA. Your dad's doctor shouldnt be prescribing this medication.
              So while undergoing HRT you become solely dependent on on the exogenous T?

              I can't see the point of doing HRT then.


              • #8
                The point is to manipulate your androgen level to a higher level than your body naturally produces to reap the benefits that this provides while maintaining your estradiol at a physiologic level to prevent the unwanted side effects from exogenous testosterone use.

                Here is a thread I posted on the old site...lots of info.

                As men age past year 40, hormonal changes occur that perceptibly inhibit physical, sexual, and cognitive function. The outward appearance of a typical middle-age male shows increased abdominal fat and shrinkage of muscle mass, a hallmark effect of hormone imbalance. A loss of feeling of well...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jfrog View Post
                  can low dose trt cause shutdown? I thought it was only like big doses like 400mg/ week of test cyp? seen guys get a couple of injections then not show up for a while? wondering what their levels are doing? Asked a Dr about novadex/clomid if they did shut down and they knew nothing of it helping
                  Yes, it can make things worse. I experienced this with androgel. Not enough to make a difference but just enough to where your body is like, ok, you are getting it from elsewhere you don't need me anymore. Made life even more miserable

                  LOL at 400 a week being a big dose


                  • #10
                    so then would a natural supplement "booster" be better? If so are there any that have labs to back them up?
                    I see a lot of guys come in the clinic for a few and dont show up for a few months sometimes. even one guy had a drop in levels after his first dose, thats what made me start to wonder, so when I asked a doctor about a serm he never heard of using it for that reason but agreed that it would help.
                    are there any proven methods to get the body to boost test levels?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jfrog View Post
                      so then would a natural supplement "booster" be better? If so are there any that have labs to back them up?
                      I see a lot of guys come in the clinic for a few and dont show up for a few months sometimes. even one guy had a drop in levels after his first dose, thats what made me start to wonder, so when I asked a doctor about a serm he never heard of using it for that reason but agreed that it would help.
                      are there any proven methods to get the body to boost test levels?
                      I am not a fan of test boosters. And SERMs are pretty useless by themselves in men. AIs can slightly increase your test level if you have high aromatase activity...also, you can use HCG to boost your natural test levels assuming that you do not have primary hypogonadism as a cause of your low test levels. HCG is estrogenic so you would need a method of controlling the estradiol increase if you use it.

