LOL- she has always been pretty.. now she has a 6pack
She looks like a 12 yo boy with a couple grapefruits on her chest. No offense, i just dont dig on ripped chicks. I do appreciate the effort and dedication to get there though.
i didnt have alot of time to walk around to check out the booths, but there were a ton of people there. over 500+ Crossifitters representing and competing too. was a great crowd. was very cool to see such a large crowd throughout the entire venue and everyone had a common interest of overall "good health"
no clue. wasn't in the top 50 that's for sure. lol
I’d love to be truly competitive one day, but a reality check is I need to lose another 30lbs to get there & my form/technique on a lot of lifts needs major improvement. Snatch was the 3rd exercise and I only managed 155lbs. my form was terrible. I need to learn to feel comfortable pulling under the bar. they haven't listed the entire field yet, but when they do I’ll update. I’m not embarrassed the least bit. I’m down to 215lbs from 260lbs. I need to be at 185lbs in my mind and then I think I’d be able to have a fighting chance.
I heard it was really bright in there so there was a rash of dudes wearing sunglasses inside. They were also wearing flat billed hats cocked to the side just a bit.