Did you continue trying to improve yourself?
You feel better about the skin you wear now, compared to then?
How do you feel about your quality of life now, compared to then?
Anything changed in your routine?
I ask this because everyone needs a little "inspiration". Well, this isn't inspiration... It's just my story. Please reply with pics, and don't be bitches. I'm posting this because I was lifting my ass off to compete with you guys/gals. Problem with that is the pain accompanied with lifting, always leaves me without an appetite.
When I started:

Couple weeks After starting, I was forced to sell my condo in Columbus Oh. I couldn't afford it anymore. Had another house in Missouri that we were renovating. No gym used, just labor, cave man cheap diet, and weights I own (30lb) This was taken before I finally tossed in the towel on my left arm and had it amputated.
Weeks after we started,

Just woke up:

I now live in Ft Lauderdale Fl....
I maintain a healthy cheap diet
I haven't lifted in 6 months, just do water aerobics. ...pain free
182.7lbs in this photo taken right before writing this. I'm 6'1

I have seen some tough times, and lost damn near everything I own since the start of that competition. I really dislike my appearance sometimes, but know there is nothing I can do about it. That's not true for many that are uncomfortable with themselves. More power to ya
Did you continue trying to improve yourself?
You feel better about the skin you wear now, compared to then?
How do you feel about your quality of life now, compared to then?
Anything changed in your routine?
I ask this because everyone needs a little "inspiration". Well, this isn't inspiration... It's just my story. Please reply with pics, and don't be bitches. I'm posting this because I was lifting my ass off to compete with you guys/gals. Problem with that is the pain accompanied with lifting, always leaves me without an appetite.
When I started:

Couple weeks After starting, I was forced to sell my condo in Columbus Oh. I couldn't afford it anymore. Had another house in Missouri that we were renovating. No gym used, just labor, cave man cheap diet, and weights I own (30lb) This was taken before I finally tossed in the towel on my left arm and had it amputated.
Weeks after we started,

Just woke up:

I now live in Ft Lauderdale Fl....
I maintain a healthy cheap diet
I haven't lifted in 6 months, just do water aerobics. ...pain free
182.7lbs in this photo taken right before writing this. I'm 6'1

I have seen some tough times, and lost damn near everything I own since the start of that competition. I really dislike my appearance sometimes, but know there is nothing I can do about it. That's not true for many that are uncomfortable with themselves. More power to ya