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I need help with shoulders and abs...

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  • #16
    Abs is 90% diet. Stick with crunches and and some core exercises and as long as you're diet it good, they'll come.
    This! Everyone has em. You just gotta reveal them. It isn't referred to as the "Abs Diet" for nothing.

    I always used the exercise ball. Feet flat on the floor with toes against the wall (for stability) and knock out a few sets. On top of that, try just leaving your heels on the ground (toes of the floor/wall) for added involvement of the supporting muscles. That ones a bit of a balancing act. But that's what makes it good!


    • #17
      busting my butt

      I've been going at it pretty hard is this is where I"m at as of today. I feel like I'm losing weight... Any suggestions on what to work on. I'm still working on the abs but eating healthy is hard. :-(

      I stopped the gym and I'm doing a P90x / Insanity hybrid that I found online with a few modifications. I'm gonna give it the 3 months and see if I get more cut or something...


      • #18
        Google "the anabolic diet". Supposedly you can gain size and burn fat at the same time. The concept sounds like it would work but I've never tried it.


        • #19
          how tall are you... def dont look like 188lbs.. for abs you have to step cardio up alot... and seriously be down 8-10% bf... and in order for the abs to show gotta have muscles there... weighted leg raises and cable curls are the main 2 to help build mass in the mid section... also front squats... if your not doing deadlifts start that also.. its winter time... time to put on some mass...


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bigpapa View Post
            Google "the anabolic diet". Supposedly you can gain size and burn fat at the same time. The concept sounds like it would work but I've never tried it.
            K, I'll google it in a bit and see what I can come up with.

            Originally posted by DallasGT01 View Post
            how tall are you... def dont look like 188lbs.. for abs you have to step cardio up alot... and seriously be down 8-10% bf... and in order for the abs to show gotta have muscles there... weighted leg raises and cable curls are the main 2 to help build mass in the mid section... also front squats... if your not doing deadlifts start that also.. its winter time... time to put on some mass...
            I'm 6'1". I am stepping it up on the cardio but I feel like I'm losing all sorts of body mass. I'll add weighted leg raises. I've never done those.

            Any other suggestions? Thanks.


            • #21
              The latest couple Crossfit WODs have murdered my shoulders/traps. Lots of cleans, jerks, and some isometric by holding a barbell overhead and walking with it. I'm also a huge fan of the military press, standing for shoulders/core.


              • #22
                Add Sumo Deadlift High Pulls to your arsenal.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by Flashstang04 View Post
                  Add Sumo Deadlift High Pulls to your arsenal.

                  Not really a shoulder lift. It activates the traps a bit but not really the shoulders. Snatches would be a lot more effective. Clean and press would be a hell of a lot better, too.
                  "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                  • #24
                    The highpull part targets the shoulders pretty good. It's a good workout for training up to cleans/snatches.


                    • #25
                      SDHP is very shoulder intensive.

