what's the pain sensation like when you are starting to do damage to your rotator cuff??
The past few shoulder exercises, I’ve been getting a burning sensation in my shoulders, Specifically the right more so then the left.. Doesn’t feel like a muscle pull, but like the joint itself is on fire. very distinct weird pain. its only on shoulder exercises where I’m having to pull weight above my head. i.e. yesterday when I was doing power snatches. if i'm doing pullups it doesnt hurt.
The past few shoulder exercises, I’ve been getting a burning sensation in my shoulders, Specifically the right more so then the left.. Doesn’t feel like a muscle pull, but like the joint itself is on fire. very distinct weird pain. its only on shoulder exercises where I’m having to pull weight above my head. i.e. yesterday when I was doing power snatches. if i'm doing pullups it doesnt hurt.