I started this thread on another board, but figured I would cross post some of it here, in case anyone is interested. The basic idea is to have a pretty much self-contained camping trailer that can be taken off-road. We like to do remote / dispersed camping, and the average tent trailer will not withstand the terrain as well.
I bought this trailer a couple of years ago, and have had many plans for it that I have dragged my feet on starting. Partly due to funds, partly due to laziness. I accomplished a few very small goals, but I am finally getting ready to start my build in earnest.
The trailer is a first Gen Ford Courier (1971 - 1976). The previous owner(s) had already completed a good amount of work on it and when I bought it, it was road worthy and already useful. The day I bought it:

My first addition to the trailer was a side table.
My first use on a longer trip (a week on the Alpine Loop):

It performed well, although on our way back from that trip we were rained on for a few hours. Everything in the trailer was safe to get wet, but after that trip I decided that I wanted to find a topper for it to minimize the impact of rain, and to eliminate the worry of smaller items slipping out from under the straps and blow away on the highway. It would also be nice to be able to have some ability to lock up the contents of the trailer.
I was watched CL for a topper for it for some time, and finally found one that met all of my needs. In addition to fitting, and being very light, it also had locking access points on both sides. This is pretty much where it sits today (excuse the dirt):

(to be Con't)
I bought this trailer a couple of years ago, and have had many plans for it that I have dragged my feet on starting. Partly due to funds, partly due to laziness. I accomplished a few very small goals, but I am finally getting ready to start my build in earnest.
The trailer is a first Gen Ford Courier (1971 - 1976). The previous owner(s) had already completed a good amount of work on it and when I bought it, it was road worthy and already useful. The day I bought it:

My first addition to the trailer was a side table.

My first use on a longer trip (a week on the Alpine Loop):

It performed well, although on our way back from that trip we were rained on for a few hours. Everything in the trailer was safe to get wet, but after that trip I decided that I wanted to find a topper for it to minimize the impact of rain, and to eliminate the worry of smaller items slipping out from under the straps and blow away on the highway. It would also be nice to be able to have some ability to lock up the contents of the trailer.
I was watched CL for a topper for it for some time, and finally found one that met all of my needs. In addition to fitting, and being very light, it also had locking access points on both sides. This is pretty much where it sits today (excuse the dirt):

(to be Con't)