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Kids in australia "walking with the dinosaur"

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  • #16
    Here is a site showing a raptor suit they are making and another vid of the trex wandering around a museum. I would shit my pants if that trex ran up to me!

    From afar, you may think these dinosaurs are just animatronic robots, but they're actually wearable suits. Continue reading to see more. Click here for first picture in gallery. Raptor SuitCreated for Walking with the Dinosaurs, a BBC mini-series, this stunning raptor suit features a flexible exoskeleton and hundreds of articulation points. When fully skinned and hand-painted, it puts its animatronic counterpart to shame, in terms of motion. T-RexWhile not as technically advanced as the example above, this T-Rex suit prowls the hallways of LA's Natural History Museum. Plus, it comes pre-loaded with realistic growls and other sound effects that can


    • #17
      That is mother fucking bad-ass!
      "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

      -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


      • #18
        That is cool. Wish people would do things like that for younger kids more often
        99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
        going from really slow to just alittle slow

        2013 Focus ST the daily cruising the 4 banger


        • #19
          Tis cool, but here in the United States most of these whacked out parents would end up suing the school system claiming mental anguish on their kids.

