Please pardon my stupidity, why three O2 bungs? I could see wideband and then a narrow for the ECU but whats the third? Is it to trick the ECU into thinking its reading a left and right bank separately?
Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
Please pardon my stupidity, why three O2 bungs? I could see wideband and then a narrow for the ECU but whats the third? Is it to trick the ECU into thinking its reading a left and right bank separately?
<--been there, done that... lemme know if you have any B&G specific questions.... U might wanna point that wastegate down so it doesn't get anything in it... I like your coating. Did you buy the kit new? Mine had the black ceramic on the hotside.
<--been there, done that... lemme know if you have any B&G specific questions.... U might wanna point that wastegate down so it doesn't get anything in it... I like your coating. Did you buy the kit new? Mine had the black ceramic on the hotside.
I bought it second hand, but it was never installed. It was Jet-Hot coated by the PO. The waste gate is there to see about routing it back into the exhaust, not looking forward to the open WG. Did you reroute your or is it still open?
I actually do have a few questions:
I have the stock motor mounts, which the kit was designed around, but the turbo flange still hits the framerail. Any thoughts?
Also, the DP v-band is larger than the Turbo V-band. I talked to Brian at B&G and he said that's normal ait will seal. I cant' even get the V-band tight enough to put the nut on it! Was yours like this?
If I recall correctly, I bought some new 'vert mounts as mine had settled quite a bit. Even with those I ended up putting some large washers to space it up just a bit to clear the frame rail. I may have even ground the rail down just a bit right there as well. My WG is open right now but I built a muffler using a 1-3/4" glasspack and some piping. Not as good as routing it back in, but definitely quieter. On the clamp, you have to grind the lip down on the turbo side to get it to clamp down. I'm surprised Brian didn't mention that.
I bought it second hand, but it was never installed. It was Jet-Hot coated by the PO. The waste gate is there to see about routing it back into the exhaust, not looking forward to the open WG. Did you reroute your or is it still open?
I actually do have a few questions:
I have the stock motor mounts, which the kit was designed around, but the turbo flange still hits the framerail. Any thoughts?
Also, the DP v-band is larger than the Turbo V-band. I talked to Brian at B&G and he said that's normal ait will seal. I cant' even get the V-band tight enough to put the nut on it! Was yours like this?
If I recall correctly, I bought some new 'vert mounts as mine had settled quite a bit. Even with those I ended up putting some large washers to space it up just a bit to clear the frame rail. I may have even ground the rail down just a bit right there as well. My WG is open right now but I built a muffler using a 1-3/4" glasspack and some piping. Not as good as routing it back in, but definitely quieter. On the clamp, you have to grind the lip down on the turbo side to get it to clamp down. I'm surprised Brian didn't mention that.
I actually seen the clamp problem before I talked to him, but he did mention it. My problem is they are two different ODs. When you set them side by side, the DP is an 1/8th" bigger all the way around. I can get the Clamp to fit the turbo fine, and fit the DP fine, just not together!LOL
I have some large washers under the mounts now and it fits, but I was curious what someone else did. Thanks for the info. You got any pics of the WG muffler?