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Drag race finale ends in Supra-on-Supra violence

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  • Drag race finale ends in Supra-on-Supra violence

    From cars to motorcycles, Jalopnik is your go-to site covering everything with an engine—including automotive news, buying guides, and expert commentary from our staff.

    This weekend's TX2K11 featured many of the world's fastest Supras, including the Big Daddy Performance and Titan Motorsports fourth-gens. Both made it into the finals, but neither made it to the end of the drag strip. It hurts to watch.

    If absolute power corrupts absolutely, then imagine how quickly a 1300+ HP 7-second Supra corrupts an axle, which is what happened to the Big Daddy car right after launch. The Titan car couldn't make it out of the way in time and crashed into the wall at Lonestar Motorsports Park. The drivers walked away from the accident, but it wasn't exactly the finale the collected Supra faithful hoped to see.

    One man was heard to cry out "We can't hurt our brothers like this. We just can't. Save it for for the Skyline owners, for they are truly our enemy!"

  • #2
    Dang! Sucks for both drivers/cars!
    Originally posted by Da Prez
    Fuck dfwstangs!! If Jose ain't running it, I won't even bother going back to it, just my two cents!!
    Originally posted by VETTKLR

    Cliff Notes: I can beat the fuck out of a ZR1


    • #3
      Axle ?


      • #4
        Ouch that sucks...


        • #5
          values just went up for remaining supras out there


          • #6
            yep, sucks.

            glad they both made out safely, though.


            • #7
              Originally posted by 78X View Post
              values just went up for remaining supras out there


              • #8
                looked like it blew a headgasket and poured water under the right rear tire... Right turn Clyde!

                Had a friend down there this weekend with her car. Hope all is good with them.


                • #9
                  there was a gnarly ram diesel cleaning house on the little cars and a couple other trucks doin some good work.

                  reportedly the best tx2k event of all time.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Fern View Post
                    there was a gnarly ram diesel cleaning house on the little cars and a couple other trucks doin some good work.

                    reportedly the best tx2k event of all time.

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                    • #11

                      sorry for the thread hijack but these trucks fuckin made me grin from ear to ear. that evo is no fuckin slouch... those trucks are beasts.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 78X View Post
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                        damn, that sucks. figured that thread would be public... it's in the tx2k11 forum on Supra Forums. my bad!


                        • #13
                          damn those diesels move.


                          • #14
                            At least they both walked away
                            99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
                            going from really slow to just alittle slow

                            2013 Focus ST the daily cruising the 4 banger


                            • #15
                              damn i thought it was this weekend....fuck im late!

                              missed it once again....oh well guess there is always nxt year...

