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Girl fight gone wrong!!!

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  • #76
    Originally posted by hustleman View Post
    LOL. You really have no idea what cops have to deal with daily. Sound like you walk through life inherently believing majority of people are good. What you are over looking is the cop walks up and grabs the guy punching the car. I can promise you a command was given to the guy to either get on the ground face down or to sit down on the ground. He did not comply with that command and walked away. The guy has already showed he is violent by punching the car and the cop doesn't know the full extent of his violent capabilities. So the cop proceeds to make him understand he needs to get on the ground. Then after the guy is on the ground and the cop is about to handcuff, the girl walks over and begins to interfere with his detention of the guy. Mind you the cop has not frisked the male nor the female so he does not know if they have any weapons on them. So he makes it very clear to the female to get back. You have to be really stupid to walk up on a cop that is handcuffing a subject. So after the baton strikes and OC spray the female tries to flee the scene. Now for the face plant of the girl I can see a little more restraint needed to be used by the officer, but by that point with the cops clearly out numbered by surrounding people and uncertain about circumstances; hard and fast is the only way to go. So for all the people that have never dealt with angry,violent, drunk people... you have no idea what it takes to control a situation like that and what people are capable of. Please remember people don't like going to jail therefore they don't like cops. Also to avoid going to jail, some people go to the extremes to avoid it. I've seen countless times where people pretend to be nice and just to catch you off guard.

    But in the end FTP. No one needs them until their life or property is in jeopardy.
    I never once said that these people didn't need to be detained, and the dumb ass punching the car was never the issue. The issue is that the cop used over-excessive force on the female. He did not need to go to the extremes that he did. The girl was not running away from the scene, she was maced and roaming around trying to get the burning sensation out of her eyes. This is obvious if you watch the video, as the person filming says "you should run" yet she doesn't. I'm a bouncer at a biker bar and have dealt with more drunks than you could ever imagine, not once have I ever needed to use the excessive force that the cop used. I have dealt with much more extreme issues without ever using weapons the way this particular weak ass cop used. There was no need for the excessive force used, I have seen situations like this a hundred times controlled by security/police without half the violence this particular cop used. If anyone knows this kind of situation, it is me. If u pay attention to his partner you will notice that he is dealing with the exact same situation, yet never feels the need to beat any of the subjects with his asp. If it was that threatening of a situation then both cops would have been taking care of it. Yet only one of the two is doing any of the violence. Not one of the subjects ever threatened the police, or even made a disrespectful move towards them. The police did not know exactly what was happening, and if they did it means they were sitting around letting it happen before they moved in. As much as police do for us they are required to follow a certain amount of restraint. They know what they are getting into when they sign up for the job, and it is no secret that situations like this are going to happen. We depend on them to be the level headed person in the middle of a crisis, this man was not. He did not show any more restraint then the drunks he was dealing with, which means he is not fit to deal with the type of things that cops are required to deal with on a regular basis. He should not be given power to over-abuse his position, as he has proven that he cannot handle stressfull situations as required.
    .223 > 911


    • #77
      LMGDAO @ "fleeing the scene". She sure was in a hurry to get out of there, wasn't she? Dumbasses. She was walking around, trying to make her face stop burning. I seriously doubt she could even see well enough to know where the fuck she was going. She wasn't running. She wasn't acting like someone who flees the scene. She was walking around in circles, then straightened out in a line. I seriously doubt she knew she was walking as far away from the situation as she actually was.
      Originally posted by BradM
      But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
      Originally posted by Leah
      In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


      • #78
        The guy and girl kind of asked for it. They put themselves in that situation and the cop dealt with it.

        If you don't want your ass beat by a cop, don't act stupid.


        • #79
          Originally posted by bcoop View Post
          Surely I'm not the only asshole here. Who else laughed like a mother fucker when she hit the ground? Dragging her back by her belt was pretty comical too.
          I laughed my ass off. If she hadn't tried to leave the scene he wouldn't have had to grab her. Also, if memory serves correctly, this isn't the first time an officer has had to put someone down on the ground. She showed she wasn't going to stick around so he pulled her back over and floored her ass, just as she deserved.
          Originally posted by Vertnut
          I'd run my junk through a waffle iron, if it makes you more "comfortable". LOL!


          • #80
            Originally posted by bcoop View Post
            LMGDAO @ "fleeing the scene". She sure was in a hurry to get out of there, wasn't she? Dumbasses. She was walking around, trying to make her face stop burning. I seriously doubt she could even see well enough to know where the fuck she was going. She wasn't running. She wasn't acting like someone who flees the scene. She was walking around in circles, then straightened out in a line. I seriously doubt she knew she was walking as far away from the situation as she actually was.
            Oh come on Brent, you know that little bitch realized she didn't want to be there and started to walk off.
            Originally posted by Vertnut
            I'd run my junk through a waffle iron, if it makes you more "comfortable". LOL!


            • #81
              Wait wait wait! We don't know the whole story here!!!!!1111


              • #82
                The cop could have handled her better than that, she wasnt putting up a fight from what I saw. He just had a power trip and lost sight of what is job is. Shit happens all the time.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View Post
                  Oh come on Brent, you know that little bitch realized she didn't want to be there and started to walk off.
                  Brent is right, she wasn't trying to take off. She had plenty of time for that since those moron cops weren't watching their backs like they were suppose to. IF she had a gun her purse, she could have easily had time to pop them both walking away like she did.

                  It's obvious you've never been maced before. It feels better if you keep moving the air/breeze hitting your face. It's a natural reaction to get away from the area where you got maced from which often has a cloud just floating around making it worse if you stay in place.

                  The cop clearly had her under control when he grabbed her by the back of the pants and she didn't resist going with him. Him slamming her down like that was just him being asshole unnecessarily.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Taylor View Post
                    Wait wait wait! We don't know the whole story here!!!!!1111
                    THis. The people in the car might have started the whole thing, maybe they tried to run them over. I think the brillo head took the beating and mace too far, they were not resisting but this is what happens when you fuck up in public.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View Post
                      Oh come on Brent, you know that little bitch realized she didn't want to be there and started to walk off.
                      You don't "walk off" from a situation like that. You fucking run, balls to the wall. It's hard to say, as we really don't know the whole story, nor what was going through her head at the time. I'm just convinced she wasn't acting in the same manner as someone who was trying to get away. She had PLENTY of chances to run, like Steve said. I mean, really, watching the vid, I kept thinking "why haven't they taken off yet?" because that's what I would have done. It was chaos, Officer Winslow wasn't paying attention to anything but the dude in front of him, and I'm not real sure what the other cop was doing exactly. But both the dude, and the chick had many chances to run, and they would have gotten away too.

                      I'm convinced she was walking around in a daze, trying to make her face stop burning. She leaned over the hood of the car, kept stopping to put her head in her hands, etc. I've never been sprayed, but again, I don't think she could even see well enough to know she was getting as far away as she was. If she was trying to run, she would have run. Probably straight in to a wall or a car, but she would have tried. At no point did that become a light jog, skip, or run. It was a walk, in circles, like I've seen many times where someone got pepper sprayed.
                      Originally posted by BradM
                      But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                      Originally posted by Leah
                      In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                        You don't "walk off" from a situation like that. You fucking run, balls to the wall. It's hard to say, as we really don't know the whole story, nor what was going through her head at the time. I'm just convinced she wasn't acting in the same manner as someone who was trying to get away. She had PLENTY of chances to run, like Steve said. I mean, really, watching the vid, I kept thinking "why haven't they taken off yet?" because that's what I would have done. It was chaos, Officer Winslow wasn't paying attention to anything but the dude in front of him, and I'm not real sure what the other cop was doing exactly. But both the dude, and the chick had many chances to run, and they would have gotten away too.

                        I'm convinced she was walking around in a daze, trying to make her face stop burning. She leaned over the hood of the car, kept stopping to put her head in her hands, etc. I've never been sprayed, but again, I don't think she could even see well enough to know she was getting as far away as she was. If she was trying to run, she would have run. Probably straight in to a wall or a car, but she would have tried. At no point did that become a light jog, skip, or run. It was a walk, in circles, like I've seen many times where someone got pepper sprayed.


                        I only watched the video once too, so there's plenty I'm sure I missed. Think I'll go watch it again
                        Originally posted by Vertnut
                        I'd run my junk through a waffle iron, if it makes you more "comfortable". LOL!


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Fern View Post

                          ^This! FTMFW!!!!!!!!!


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                            ^This! FTMFW!!!!!!!!!
                            Yes we ALL know about how your brotherhood feels Matt, present company included...
                            Originally posted by Silverback
                            Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.

