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Girl fight gone wrong!!!

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  • #61
    This was a bad ass takedown. IN YO FACE BITCH!
    First hand witness at the failure of public healthcare.


    • #62
      Looked like some well deserved punishment. I thought you could drop someone instantly with an asp? Looks like the cop was using it like a switch. I thought it was unnecessary for the chick to eat a concrete sammich, but she was leaving a crime scene. Easy solution for all this, don't fight in the middle of a busy street. Take it to JITB.
      De Oppresso Liber.


      • #63
        Got the job done. So some drunk ass people who've already demonstrated violance got a few bruises..big deal. Bet they dont do that shit again.


        • #64
          I dont know why people think getting jumped or beat up is some small thing. News flash, getting pummeled with fists can really screw you up


          • #65
            He hit that dumbass kid three times while he was on the ground... grabbing that chick by the pants and slamming her to the ground, give me a fucking break... if a white cop did that to some dumbass black kids, Jesse and Sharpton would be all over his ass... I'm all for beating the shit out of dumbasses but that's bullshit...

            Even if he was aiming at their legs, swinging for the fences with an ASP baton is bullshit...


            • #66
              Originally posted by Jedi View Post
              Got the job done. So some drunk ass people who've already demonstrated violance got a few bruises..big deal. Bet they dont do that shit again.


              • #67
                Originally posted by SMKR View Post
                LOL, I suggest you find someone else to harrass. That old schooler will tear you a new ass. He used to do it with regularity back in the day to noobs like you.


                • #68
                  Are they issued rubber asps in GA. I kinda thought, hitting someone with one would invoke a different reaction.
                  This video sucks due to the lack of tazers.


                  • #69


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                      He did not run up and just hit the guy with a nightstick. He said something to the guy at the front of the suv and then the guy went back around to where the fight was, and then he took the first swing to the leg.
                      Yep and it was probably something like "I got your ass now whitey I'm gonna beat you repeatedly"
                      2010 Ford SVT Raptor
                      2007 Saleen S281-SC
                      1998 BMW M Roadster
                      1961 Ford F100


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                        Just got to watch the video fully, I see nothing wrong. They were bad asses when it was 2 on 1, if I were the cop those would not be leg shots (if I was allowed other shots by policy). Just cause she's a skinny, self serving, little bitch does not mean she can't be a distraction while other people start some shit.

                        She was a toughy when 2 on 1. I feel zero sorrow for any of them.

                        She looks like the standard whore that fucking annoys the piss out of me these days.
                        Well put sir well put
                        99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
                        going from really slow to just alittle slow

                        2013 Focus ST the daily cruising the 4 banger


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by 95ragtop View Post
                          Looked like some well deserved punishment. I thought you could drop someone instantly with an asp? Looks like the cop was using it like a switch. I thought it was unnecessary for the chick to eat a concrete sammich, but she was leaving a crime scene. Easy solution for all this, don't fight in the middle of a busy street. Take it to JITB.
                          Most of the weight in an Asp is in the handle. It is damn near impossible to incapacitate someone with one blow.


                          • #73
                            2009 Chevy Tahoe LTZ

                            2011 GMC Terrain SLT2

                            2010 Polaris Ranger RZR S Orange Madness

                            Ban count: 2


                            • #74
                              [QUOTE=SouthernSVT;172600]a) ok, they shouldn't be fighting in public like that, no-one disagrees with that, but sometimes it happens. The problem is how the cop handled it, and he wasn't showing anymore restraint then the drunks. b) The cop just came running in busting people up with his asp. No-one was "not complying" or "talking back or "resisting", he just started beating people. That situation could have EASILY been handled without anyone getting beat with a night-stick or pepperspray, and he sure as hell had no need to slam that girl on the pavement.

                              LOL. You really have no idea what cops have to deal with daily. Sound like you walk through life inherently believing majority of people are good. What you are over looking is the cop walks up and grabs the guy punching the car. I can promise you a command was given to the guy to either get on the ground face down or to sit down on the ground. He did not comply with that command and walked away. The guy has already showed he is violent by punching the car and the cop doesn't know the full extent of his violent capabilities. So the cop proceeds to make him understand he needs to get on the ground. Then after the guy is on the ground and the cop is about to handcuff, the girl walks over and begins to interfere with his detention of the guy. Mind you the cop has not frisked the male nor the female so he does not know if they have any weapons on them. So he makes it very clear to the female to get back. You have to be really stupid to walk up on a cop that is handcuffing a subject. So after the baton strikes and OC spray the female tries to flee the scene. Now for the face plant of the girl I can see a little more restraint needed to be used by the officer, but by that point with the cops clearly out numbered by surrounding people and uncertain about circumstances; hard and fast is the only way to go. So for all the people that have never dealt with angry,violent, drunk people... you have no idea what it takes to control a situation like that and what people are capable of. Please remember people don't like going to jail therefore they don't like cops. Also to avoid going to jail, some people go to the extremes to avoid it. I've seen countless times where people pretend to be nice and just to catch you off guard.

                              But in the end FTP. No one needs them until their life or property is in jeopardy.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                                If the cops have to come out, they are bringing a ass kickin with them...
                                X2. Once the cops are there you might as well stop and follow their directions. I wasn't there but I know for a fact that police officer didn't tell the chick to leave.
                                class joke
                                char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
                                double Peas, Carrots;
                                string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)

