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Dont pick on the fat guy

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  • #46
    yea they really should lmao
    Big Rooster Racing
    1985 Mustang GT


    • #47
      Damn that kid got fucked up. The fat kid didn't even flinch when he got punched.
      Originally posted by talisman
      I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
      Originally posted by AdamLX
      If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
      Originally posted by Broncojohnny
      Because fuck you, that's why
      Originally posted by 80coupe
      nice dick, Idrivea4banger
      Originally posted by Rick Modena
      ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
      Originally posted by Jester
      Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


      • #48

        F youtube


        • #49
          Reading the big kid got suspended and "possible criminal charges" - not really sure what that means.

          Since when does defending yourself get you suspended? That's pathetic.
          Originally posted by MR EDD
          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


          • #50
            Should have gone for the head stomp and finished him off.


            • #51
              Some one needs to add some mortal combat Flawless Victory at the end


              • #52
                another linky...!5781702/the-ul...ting-body-slam
                ./ ____ _ _\.
                (]]]_ o _[[[)

                God closes doors no man can open, God opens doors no man can close. Revelations 3:7-8


                • #53
                  Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                  Reading the big kid got suspended and "possible criminal charges" - not really sure what that means.

                  Since when does defending yourself get you suspended? That's pathetic.
                  It means that most schools are run by liberal cock suckers who feel "turning the other cheek" is the best method of self-defense.


                  • #54
                    Australia must have some strict rules for fighting!


                    • #55
                      I bet that that fat kid just went up a couple of notches in the food chain at that school. Good for him!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                        It means that most schools are run by liberal cock suckers who feel "turning the other cheek" is the best method of self-defense.
                        No shit. I wonder who makes the calls on these less than educated decisions. I can understand someone instigating a fight and being suspended. I can understand someone getting shoved and automatically throwing punches get suspended. But I cannot understand something as blantantly obvious as this is and still be suspended. Yeah, was the WWE body slam a little much? Maybe. But thats what happens when you play with fire, you risk getting burned or turned into a fire blanket and slammed on top of the fire.
                        Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                        Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                          No shit. I wonder who makes the calls on these less than educated decisions.
                          Its the thinking that goes into "zero tolerance" rules. Common sense goes out the window.

                          That little rooster got what he had coming.


                          • #58
                            I also bet he's in trouble because of some zero tolerance bullshit. Fuck that, that chubby kid should be applauded for standing up for himself.

                            You can't even defend yourself anymore, that's just another reason I love Texas.

                            I got in trouble in Wyoming for defending myself when I guy attacked me at a club. We were both arrested for battery even though one of the cops that areested us was watching what happened and knew the other guy was the problem. Self defense isn't a defense up there. FUCK THAT SHIT.
                            "You wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch"


                            • #59
                              That skinny kid had it coming & got what he deserved! Our school systems with the camara's should handles this type of problems on a case by case deal.
                              GOD BLESS TEXAS
                              August Landscaping
                              Seb's high class.
                              He'll mow your grass.
                              He'll kick your ass.
                              And while his kidney stones pass,
                              He'll piss in a glass!


                              • #60
                                i am actually kinda glad the fat kid got in is my reasoning why...

                                after this incident, he probably no longer got fucked with. and, he is probably now known as a badass among his peers. this leads to respect and pussy...

                                also, the skinny kid probably will never fuck with anyone again...

                                huge props to the fat kid. he now collects money each week from the skinny kid to be his bodyguard...

