On a whim Saturday, I pulled the trigger on a huge pile o turd. I have been wanting to go rally racing for a while but none of my cars are suited for it. Either to high, to low, to nice or rare. So here we are. Cars not as bad as it looks, mechanically speaking its a good car. physically it's a disaster! In my mind that makes it perfect for dirt rally. Plan is to clean it up a little, throw a quick rattle can paint job on it, 2" lift, some all terrain tires, fix the power steering, and add sub frame connectors. Then bomb the crap out of it at the local rally track. other than that, I figure the stock 215hp will be fine for my skill level. This is my first SN95, and It's probably the ugliest car I've ever owned, but I think I'm in love.
enjoy the horror...

y'all got any spare parts laying around for this stock as hell shitbox?
enjoy the horror...

y'all got any spare parts laying around for this stock as hell shitbox?